Go to: NEWS (Italian written)

LOGO october 2013
Hallo, we are INTER NOS band!
This website was created during the Summer of 2007. We hope you will like these pages. If you want, ask us for more informations.
If you are a musician, this list of foreign fanzines could help you into the promotion of your band.
If you want to know more things about some Italian bands, go to this page.
Finally, if you want to know what we made in the past, you can read a report (years 2005-2006) here.
Here, you will read the news concerning the band; we put an update when there are some interesting things to tell you.
If you want more infos about the band (biography, snail mail address, email address), please scroll this page.
Thank you for your visit.
It comes to the end a year to be forgotten, with the peak of negativity reached on December 26th, 2024, day in which our mother passed away.
There is little point in dealing with music; however, for various reasons, during this year almost nothing has been done.
We hope for the best, for everything, for the year to come.
(News included on December 31st, 2024)
The band's activity is almost stopped (as always, for several years now); currently, about music, we are doing very few things, always there are more important things to do outside music.
In this web page we have included links to almost all the songs of the band; scroll down the page.
(News included on November 3rd, 2024)
This is the short report of INTER NOS' activity in the year 2023.
We started playing live again: in the summer we made 2 concerts.
There have been contacts, sometimes casual, sometimes desired, with other musicians: some initiatives are envisaged for the future. We will see how many good intentions will come true.
(News included on December 31st, 2023)
We are in the spring of 2023. We have skipped almost entirely the first 3 months of the year without updates in the website, both due to laziness, both to lack of time, and finally due to the absence of events worthy of reporting.
We are doing some rehearsals, with mixed results (some good, some not).
In our projects, in the medium term, there is the resumption of live activity. Take note: Saturday, July 8th, 2023, 9.30 pm, at the LOCANDA ALLA STAZIONE in Latisana (UD), Italy, Viale Stazione n. 42. As soon as everything will be defined, the date will be inserted in the section of the scheduled concerts. A band which mainly proposes cover songs should play with us.
Both Paolo and I are currently engaged in other musical activities, for charitable purposes, compatibly with the limited time available.
(News included on March 22nd, 2023)
Last message of the year 2022.
In this year we made some rehearsals, in which we recovered the 3 most recent songs, and little else. The right year for recovery will always be the next one.
There are some proposals for concerts, we'll see what to do.
In 2022 there were almost all the festivals and concerts skipped in 2020 and 2021: after years, I resumed sleeping in the car, just to attend some events.
Contacts with musicians: very rare.
As for me (Claudio) personally: 2021 was the year of change, 2022 was the year of adjustment, 2023 hopefully will be the year of improvement.
I predict battles: best wishes, especially to me.
(News included on December 31st, 2022)
In this very brief update, I would like to point out that in the summer of 2022, in Friuli (north east Italy), the festivals that have been skipped or have been held in reduced form in recent years, are scheduled: Pietrasonica, Erèsia, Summer Metal, as far as I know. Search into the web. Due to work, commitments, and certainly also unforeseen events, it will be a good result if I can only see one night of one of the shows.
(News included on April 25th, 2022)
This is the first update of the year 2022; we continue along the same gray line of 2021: good intentions, both ours and those of other musicians, but little more.
Italian "customs duties" on packages to and from outside Europe: you pay not only to send them, but also to receive them. Basically, if I want to ship or to receive a CD, the shipping costs and taxes are higher than the value of the disc. A shame: I will stop the correspondence with Countries outside Europe, which is already at the minimum terms.
(News included on March 10th, 2022)
No updates to be published regarding the activities of the musical band INTER NOS in 2021, because nothing has been done. Maybe in 2022 it will get better.
(News included on December 31st, 2021)
Although today there is the so-called "pink moon", the night remains dark and endless.
It is useless to have any illusions: in Italy the colors of the areas change, and now in the north east Italy we are in the yellow one (for a little while longer, then we will inexorably return to orange or directly red), but the curfew and probation remain.
Concerts are not even talked about: so much so that the big or presumed such have already postponed the dates (of 2020) to 2022 or, like Tiziano Ferro, directly to 2023. For us amateur musicians, it will be the same or even worse: in fact, with the current anticovid measures, I don't see how it is possible for a common pub to hold a concert inside the club, or even outside, considering the curfew at 10pm.
Perhaps it is better to stop playing, directly.
I really want to see how many musicians will start to play again in 2023.
Enthusiasm is "down at the heels" (sotto i tacchi, we say in Italy).
We reproduce the message we published on the first page of the Italian section.
There continue to be technical problems with the server hosting this website. If you notice that there are no updates for 3 months, it means that we have had enough of these events, and the site should be considered abandoned.
(News included on April 28th, 2021)
In an interview I read this sentence: "The less you remember something, the less you will miss it". It is also true for concerts, for football matches seen at the stadium, for pizzas with whoever we like, and in general for freedom. All people shut up. A year of alternating house arrest and probation, under the pretext of a health emergency, has passed; in addition, the great political leaders and medical professors still ask us for sacrifices, and what about the results? Almost zero; 300 dead persons by Covid-19 every day.
INTER NOS band have been stopped since February 2020, and it will remain stopped indefinitely.
The bass guitar sleeps in its case.
Who knows if some amateur band will start playing again, when this Covid-19 story will be over; in my opinion, they will be very few.
Similarly, there will be very few clubs that will organize concerts, and definitely only cover-tribute bands will play.
After all, who will INTER NOS do concerts for? Everything has been brought to zero. There is, and there will be, total apathy, disinterest, and indifference. Do not tell me that I am a defeatist: the things went in that way before February 2020; now we are all in forced hibernation, and in the future there will be a dramatic amplification of the phenomenon above illustrated.
News: we are back in the "Red Zone" for the umpteenth time.
We have passed from the health dictatorship to "democracy from above", as the jurist Gustavo Zagrebelsky has defined the Mario Draghi's government, which has drawn almost all parties into it. In this way, from now on, we will not know who we can complain to. At least 85% of the parliamentarians, elected by us, agree.
Italians have a short memory: it is enough to give them football matches on TV, soap operas, the television variety with tits and asses, the Sanremo music festival, and they are happy; so you can give them even perennial house arrest.
Into a website you can read: "New Year's Eve in lockdown, one Italian out of 5 in bed before midnight"; I was among these, for the first time since I can remember. If the fireworks hadn't woken me, I would have been able to sleep until morning.
Good night: it will be very long and very dark.
(News included on March 16th, 2021)
We thank ALBA CADUCA, rock band from Udine, for sending us their CD Nigredo.
Report of the musical activity of INTER NOS in the year 2020:
- rehearsals: one, or maybe two; we haven't done any since the end of February.
- concerts: none. Maybe on 2022.
- recordings: in raw version, for personal use, the musical parts (without the voice) of the songs Pifferai, Essere senziente and L'ora do, the ones composed after the release of the 2009, CD Produzione Propria.
- contacts: via email or snail mail letter with distant correspondents; some replied, some did not, some letters and some emails returned to the sender.
Here in Italy we are forced by law to remain at home till January 3rd, 2021; then, there will be a relative freedom on January 4th, and again the red zone will come back on January 5th and 6th.
Everything will be fine? If you are so convinced ...
(News included on December 31st, 2020)
There aren't important news, since the last update.
No rehearsals, and no concerts in the near future; maybe, next year.
We planned a concert on July, with a stoner rock band, but we were obliged to delete it.
In Italy, now, is pratically impossible to make concerts, especially in small pubs; there are a lot of health restrictions on public places due to the coronavirus epidemic.
After two months of "house arrest" since March to May, and after 5 months of "probation" until now, we come back at the starting point as in March, and we should not be surprised if there will soon be a new lockdown.
The enthusiasm is at zero level.
(News included on October 30th, 2020)
Musical activity is stopped, as you can imagine.
Regarding the current situation, I would like to write many things, but remembering the saying "a nice silence was never written" (Italian phrase: "un bel tacer non fu mai scritto"), I renounce.
Lonely Happy Easter.
(News included on April 2nd, 2020)
This is the last update of the year 2019. The only important things we've made, are the 2 concerts: see the last updates. The project is to make a concert on July 2020, and probably it will be the last one; after that concert, we'll stop the activity. Thank you.
(News included on December 30th, 2019)
In the year 2019 we made about 10 rehearsals and 2 concerts:
1) Locanda Alla Stazione, Latisana (province of Udine, Italy), July 6th, 2019; it was the concert number 127 of our career. Songs: Miraggio, Prima del tempo, L'ora do, Tacere, Essere senziente, Piccolo G., Ingannare, Terre, Voltare pagina, Magia, 1999,5, Sospesi, Abbandono, and, finally, another time the song Miraggio; rainy night. We started to play at 9.15 P.M as first band; after us, at 10.00 P.M., played the band TILDA'S WAVE, stoner rock.
2) Park of Via Salvador Allende, La Salute, San Stino di Livenza (province of Venezia - Venice, Italy), October 19th, 2019; it was the concert number 128 of our career. Songs: Miraggio, Prima del tempo, L'ora do, Tacere, Essere senziente, Piccolo G., Ingannare, Terre, Voltare pagina, 1999,5, Sospesi, Abbandono. We played into a little shed. However, it was a quite hot day.
We don't know if there will be other concerts of INTER NOS band, this year; let's see.
(News included on October 23rd, 2019)
During the year 2019 we made, at the moment, one rehearsal.
Probably there will be a concert on July 6th, 2019, at “Locanda alla Stazione” in Latisana, province of Udine, with another band.
The activity of INTER NOS band goes on slowly.
(News included on March 31st, 2019)
This is the report of INTER NOS’ activity during the year 2018.
Concerts: 2. Concerts in the INTER NOS’ career: 126.
New songs: one, entitled “L’ora do”.
We made about 10 rehearsals.
This year, if I well rememeber, I didn’t send packets with our CD to pubs, asking for concerts. Into 50 km far from Pordenone or San Michele al Tagliamento, we contacted almost all places. There is no interest in our musical proposal and, besides, we can’t actually make a 2-hours concert.
Have an happy 2019.
(News included on December 30th, 2018)
On July 7th, 2018, we played live at Locanda Alla Stazione, in the village of Latisana, province of Udine, Italy; it was a concert with INTER NOS and ROADKILL, rock band from Udine, Italy.
We played as first band. We played about 30 minutes, then ROADKILL played 30 minutes too, until 10.30 P.M.; at that hour, it started to rain, and the concert was stopped. We played 11 songs, included a new one, entitled L’ora do, for the first time. Surely, it wasn’t the best concert in our career, for several reasons (rain, very few people, technical problems, and so on). We hope the the next one, when it will be (we don't know), will be better than this one. Thanks to Andrea Ravanello, the owner of Locanda Alla Stazione, a very gentleman.
(News included on August 1st, 2018)
During the year 2018 we made some rehearsals. We finished a new song, entitled L’ora do. We’ll play it during the next concert, maybe.
(News included on April 27th, 2018)
This is a short report of INTER NOS’ activity during the year 2017.
Concerts: 2. Concerts in the INTER NOS’ career: 124.
We made about 10 rehearsals, as in the year 2016.
We sent 10 packets with our CD to pubs (during the year 2016: 50 packets), asking for concerts.
We made some exchanges with bands, distros or “simply” persons who gave us Cds.
Have an happy 2018.
(News included on December 30th, 2017)
Second update during this year. About music, very few things happened (not important ones).
On September 2nd, 2017, we played live at Osteria Da Omero, in the village of Ronchis, province of Udine, Italy; it was a concert with INTER NOS and FABIAN RIZ, a bluesman from Cormons (province of Gorizia), a village at the borders with Slovenia. Voice, electric guitar, harmonica, lyrics in "friulano" (the local language of Friuli Venezia Giulia, north east Italy). Here is the poster. About 50 people arrived: it's good. Nice event.
(News included on September 03rd, 2017)
In the first part of this year the activity was stopped. Claudio and Paolo made rehearsals with their old band POLIPHONIX, which finally made a concert on April 22nd, 2017, in order to celebrate 35 years from the birth; the precise date of POLIPHONIX's birth was August 23rd, 1987, which is also the title of an instrumental song ("23 agosto 1987", or literally "ventitré agosto millenovecentoottantasette") of that band. Probably that concert was the final act of the band. There is no more interest in the old fans of the band, which didn't come to the concert; other people didn't come because, obviously, they didn't know the band.
After the pause, now the activity of INTER NOS starts again, slowly. We asked to participate in a musical contest which will be on July, in the province of Udine; let's see if the organizers will call us.
(News included on May 07th, 2017)
This is a report of INTER NOS’ activity during the year 2016.
Concerts: 2. Concerts in the INTER NOS’ career: 122.
We made about 10 rehearsals.
We sent about 50 packets with our CD to pubs, asking for concerts; no results in 2016, maybe we’ll play there in 2017.
Have an happy 2017.
(News included on December 31st, 2016)
During these 8 months of the year 2016 we made 2 concerts; one in Cormòns (province of Gorizia, Italy), Circolo ARCI EventualMente, on February, with the band INES LEE (rock), about 50 persons were there; another one in Latisana (province of Udine, Italy), Locanda Alla Stazione, on July, with the band TILDA’S WAVE (instrumental stoner rock), about 30 persons were there.
On July we sent about 20 packets with CD to pubs, asking for a concert on Autumn 2016 or after.
(News included on August 21st, 2016)
Very short report, about our activities in 2015: 3 concerts, some swaps, some rehearlsals. The general situation is (more or less) the same that I wrote into the update of December 30th, 2014.
We hope that the new year will be better than this ending 2015, in every sense.
(News included on December 31st, 2015)
We had a big technical problem. Paolo’s historical electronic percussions has failed, perhaps permanently. We made rehearsals and the concert on July 25th, 2015 with another instrument. We are obliged, now, to change the structure of almost all the songs.
(News included on August 21st, 2015)
The only important thing happened this year, till now, is the concert made on March 13th, 2015 at Bar Italia, in San Michele al Tagliamento, province of Venezia, Italy. We played with the band MAGIC ENTROPY STUDIO, electro-rock. We played these songs: Miraggio, Tacere, Terre, Voltare pagina, Piccolo G., Pifferai, Essere senziente, Transizione, 1999,5 , Magia, Sospesi, Abbandono. A quite good performance. About 30 persons were at the show: it means that Bar Italia was almost “sold out”.
Other thing: I sent about 10 letters to pubs, asking for concerts.
Look at the cover of BLUR’s new work “The magic wip”: in it you’ll see an ice-cream; do you remember the cover of INTER NOS’ work “Produzione propria”, published in the year 2009? An ice-cream, too. Do you know a German prog rock band named ARDO DOMBEC and its album published in the year 1971? What is the strange thing in the cover? Ehm...
(News included on May 24th, 2015)
This is a report of INTER NOS’ activity during the year 2014.
Concerts: 3. Gain: zero Euros. Concerts in the INTER NOS’ career: 117.
Very few opportunities, as usual. The situation gets worse. A pub promised us, as “gain”, the money that people will put into a box during the concert. We refused to play into that place. That thing is called “alms”; sorry, into a pub I don’t play for alms; rather than play for alms, we prefer to play for free, it’s more decorous.
We composed 2 new songs, Pifferai and Essere senziente. the song Pifferai was played live one time, the song Essere senziente was played live 2 times. We made a home-recording of these 2 songs.
We recorded a new version of the song Miraggio; in it, there are guitar’s parts and vocal’s parts by Marco Baldi (18 years old), keyboard’s and violin’s parts played by Lorenzo Gioelli (17 years old); these 2 young musicians play in a cover prog rock band named DJANGO; the old Paolo Faggion helps the 2 musicians until they will find a drummer who is twenty-years-old (more or less), and this moment is finally arrived, as far as I know; actually, a young drummer and a young keyboard player are making rehearsals with Lorenzo Gioelli and Marco Baldi. The band DJANGO with the musicians Gioelli – Baldi – Faggion published on December 2014 a demo-CD entitled “Django 3”, in which it was included the new version of INTER NOS’ song Miraggio; then, for DJANGO band it will start a new period, without Paolo Faggion.
Promotion: as usual, we sent email and letters (but less than the previous years) asking for concerts. Poor results. Economic crisis, no interest in bands who play their own music, no people to the shows… the same story, every year.
We are not able to make project; every rehearsal is a conquest, every concert becomes an important and a rare event for us. As we often say, we are only making noise, we are losing time and money in music: in the “real life” there are more important things to do. So, about our future musical career, who knows?
Good end of year 2014, and happy 2015.
(News included on December 30th, 2014)
Very few things to say, in this first update of the year.
On March 30th, 2014 we played with 2 prog bands, IL FAUNO DI MARMO and GARDEN WALL. A decent performance for Inter Nos band, very good for the other 2 bands. Only 30 persons were at the show: a shame.
Recently I sent emails of introduction of INTER NOS band to African radios, we wait for answers.
(News included on April 13th, 2014)
This is the last update in the year 2013. As it happened one year ago, it’s time to write a short report of our activities.
We made 5 concerts during this year, in the whole Inter Nos’ career we played live 114 times. About our CD “Produzione propria”, there are 259 copies all around the world (if we didn’t forget any).
We sent a lot of letters to pubs, etc., in order to play live: very poor results, as usual.
We made swaps of CDs with penpals-musicians.
Reviews: one, concerning the work “Deforme” (2002), into the Italian fanzine “Nesssuno Schema” published this year (issue # 10, June 2013).
A radio from Morocco asked us for our songs: we sent to the penpal (in France) the whole production of the band in CDR format.
During the year 2014 the activity of Inter Nos band will go on slowly, I guess; the most important person is Andrea, who is Paolo’s little son. The pop-cover band in which I played since december 2012 made split up during the spring 2013. My brother helps 2 teenagers in the DJANGO project, they play “prog rock” and “rock” covers.
It seems that Italian postal rates will increase a lot between now and 2016; if it will happen, we will also increase the cost of our CDs, if someone would buy our works by snail-mail.
Good end of year 2013, and happy 2014 to you all.
(News included on December 31st, 2013)
In the year 2013 we made 2 concerts, both in the village of San Michele al Tagliamento, province of Venice, north east Italy.
We obtained a good review into the italian fanzine “Nessuno schema”, issue # 10, June 2013, concerning the old work “Deforme” published in the year 2002.
(News included on July 14th, 2013)
Uncle Claudio announces that on February 13, 2013 at 10 p.m. was born Andrea Faggion. Daddy Paolo and mummy Francesca are very happy, uncle Claudio too!
(News included on February 14th, 2013)
This is the last update in the year 2012. It’s time to write a short report of our activities.
We made 7 concerts during this year, in the whole Inter Nos’ career we played live 109 times.
About our CD “Produzione propria”, there are 217 copies all around the world (if we didn’t forget any).
We sent a lot of letters to pubs, etc., in order to play live: very poor results.
We made swaps of CDs with penpals-musicians.
I don’t remember if we obtained reviews of our works, during this year: probably there weren’t any.
A radio from Bangladesh asked us for our songs in MP3 format: we sent the songs by email, I hope that the DJs broadcasted them.
During Christmas time I received messages from other musicians: some of them go on with the activity, other ones stopped the activity for several reasons, and they wait for “better times”.
During the year 2013 the activity of Inter Nos band, too, will be almost stopped, till May or June; in the meantime, I will play the bass in a pop-rock cover band; maybe I'll get some money to pay bills, buy food, and perhaps to shop for musical instruments. With the activity of the band Inter Nos certainly will not earn money.
Good end of year 2012, which soon will go with no regrets (at least for me), and happy 2013 to you all.
(News included on December 31st, 2012)
After the last update (May 30th, 2012) we made 3 concerts. We made swaps with some bands. One radio from Bangladesh asked us for our songs, we sent them to that radio by email. Maybe there will be another concert before the end of 2012. Probably the activity of the band will be stopped on 2013 for six months, we’ll see…
(News included on October 26th, 2012)
On May we made two concerts, 45 minutes each. At the moment, there aren't other concerts planned. We sent letters to pubs, asking for concerts in Autumn. Very few promotional activities, to be honest: foreign radios were contacted by snail mail letter or by email,
and the expedition of stuff to fanzines finished years ago. Actually we make only exchanges with bands or distros.
(News included on May 30th, 2012)
On April 14th, 2012 we made the first concert of the year; we played 12 songs, faster than the CD-version. That night played another band with us, THE REBUS, very good prog-rock in a ‘70s way.
We’ll make another concert on May 29th, 2012.
We made some swaps of CDs with pen-pals from Asia.
We sent emails to radio stations all over the world, without great results.
There aren’t important projects, at the moment.
(News included on April 18th, 2012)
A short report of our activity in the year 2011.
We made 7 concerts (total concerts in our career: 102). At this website, http://www.youtube.com/user/stetrak1967, you can watch to our concert (almost all) made on July 9th, 2011, at Serio Rock Festival, Italy. Look in the website for the link.
We have not composed new song. We'll work on the old songs, in order to improve them.
Promotion on web: the official website remains www.internosrock.it; we opened a page on website ReverbNation. The page on Myspace is abandoned.
Other promotion: we made some swaps with bands and distributions in Italy and outside. Postal rates are very expensive: to send a CD outside Europe it costs 7 Euros. We obtained some reviews in fanzines.
That’s all. Happy new year.
(News included on December 29th, 2011)
On October 15th, 2011, we'll do the concert number 100. We'll play in Pordenone (North East Italy) at "Deposito Giordani", Via Prasecco 15; that evening will play 5 bands: INTER NOS, THE BRUSARJA (Hardcore, lyrics in the dialect of Venice), SIDUS TENEBRARUM (Black Metal; ten years of activity), CHRONIC HATE (Brutal Death Metal; ten years of activity), ARMED CONFLICT (Thrash; the last concert, unfortunately).
About concerts, recently I sent more than 100 letters in order to obtain gigs in the year 2012, but I'm not optimist about a good result; the most curious thing will be... how many letters will come back to me?!
(News included on September 11th, 2011)
Good performance at SERIO ROCK FESTIVAL; you can watch to the video, scroll this page and you'll find the link in VIDEOS section; very hard sonorities! People was satisfied, I guess. We made a swap with TITOR band; we knew a lot of people, and we made project for future performances in North Italy.
At the moment, no concerts are planned. We wait for possible proposals in autumn. However, this one is a good year about Inter Nos' concerts, till now.
We obtained a good review into Abysmal Sculptures fanzine from Singapore: read it in this page, at REVIEWS section. The paper was published in 2009, I obtained a copy only one month ago.
(News included on July 9th, 2011)
Some concerts will arrive, for Inter Nos band. The most important one will be at SERIO ROCK FESTIVAL, in the village of Cologno al Serio, province of Bergamo, north Italy, 50 km east far from Milan. The concert will be saturday 09 July 2011, start at 8 P.M., in the fields between Cologno al Serio and Morengo. If you will be in Italy that day, don't forget it!
We obtained a good review of our work "Produzione Propria" by the fanzine Abysmal Sculptures from Singapore. You can read the review in this page.
(News included on June 21st, 2011)
We will start to play alive again! On February 26th, 2011, 10 P.M. at ON THE ROAD PUB, in Fossalta di Portogruaro (VE), Italy, with Chronic Hate (brutal death metal) and The Brusarja (hardcore).
Postage from Italy to foreign countries is pratically doubled; during 2010 the stamps for a packet with one CD from Italy to U.S.A. costed Euro 4,20; now it costs Euro 7,00. A robbery! We must increase our prices too; postage goes from 2 Euro to 5 Euro (each CD). Sorry.
(News included on February 1st, 2011)
The Band INTER NOS stars to work again. We made a rehearsal on January 4th, 2011, the first one after the Paolo's operation of July 17th, 2010. Maybe there will be a concert at the end of February 2011, with other 2 bands. We'll play 30 minutes of music.
We made some exchanges of CDs recently, and we hope to do other trades in future.
(News included on January 16th, 2011)
The band named INTER NOS was born on summer 1996 in Pordenone, a town of north-east Italy (100 Km far from Venice).
The members of the band are Claudio Faggion (electric bass/voice) and the brother Paolo Faggion (electronic percussions/voice).
The kind of music played by the band is hard to describe: someone defined it "experimental progressive rock". Songs are played mainly with bass guitar and electronic percussions; there are some very short overdubs of guitar and keyboards. Lyrics are written in Italian, except for "Lamp" which is written in Friulano: this is a local language spoken in Friuli, the Italian Region in which Pordenone is.
These are the productions of the band:
a) on summer 1996, song "Lamp" (sung in friulano);
b) on 1997, demo tape "TRANSIZIONE" with the songs "Non può andare meglio", "Sapevi", "Viaggiatore", "Differenti Percorsi", "Transizione". Total time: 25 minutes.
c) on 1997 the song "Viaggiatore" was included on "A.K.O.M. SAMPLER 5" (tape compilation - Italy); the songs "Non può andare meglio" and "Transizione" were included on "MOONSTONE" (tape compilation - U.K.); the song "Transizione" - in a different version from the one included on the demo - was also included on "RIFF RAFF COMPILATION" (tape & CD compilation - Italy).
d) on 1999, MC/CD "FUTURO CALPESTATO" with the songs "Tra noi", "Lamp", "Una vecchia chitarra", "Voglia di pensare", "Abbandono", "Frasi", "1999,5". Total time: 23 minutes.
e) the song "Lamp" (version included on "FUTURO CALPESTATO") was included on "A.K.O.M. SAMPLER 17" (tape compilation - Italy).
f) on 2000, the songs "Lamp" and "1999,5" were included on "SILVER STARS" (tape compilation - U.K.).
g) on 2000, the song "1999,5" was included on "APNEA" (CD compilation - Italy).
h) on 2000, the song "Occhi e voci" was included on "GIUBIROCK 2000" (CD compilation - Italy).
i) on 2001, the song "Voglia di pensare" was included on "REALITY IMPAIRED RECORDINGS 2001 COMPILATION # 2" (CD compilation - U.S.A.).
j) on 2002, CD "DEFORME" with the songs "Piccolo G.", "Magia", "Immagini vuote", "Occhi e voci", "Sospesi", "Miraggio". Total time: 23 minutes.
k) on 2002, the song "Attraverso valli e monti" (live version) was included on "PROVE TECNICHE DI RESISTENZA" (CD compilation - Italy).
l) on 2002, the song "Tra noi" was included on "H. POTTER E IL MISTERO DI COGNE" (tape compilation - Italy).
m) on 2002, the songs "Magia" and "Sospesi" were included into "BLISS VOLUME 108" (tape compilation - U.K.).
n) on 2002, the songs "Loco", "Attraverso valli e monti" (studio version) and "Lamp" (version of 1996) were included on "IL GENERALE WESTMORELAND" (CD compilation - Italy).
o) on 2002, the song "Tra noi" was included on "RADIATION NOISE COMP. VOL. 2" (tape compilation - Czech Rep.).
p) on 2003, the songs "Immagini vuote" and "Miraggio" were included on "WAVES COMPILATION" (2CD compilation - Italy).
q) on 2003, the song "Miraggio" was included on "SURLITY CD COMPILATION VOL. 1" (CD compilation - Thailand).
r) on 2004, the songs "Piccolo G." and "Miraggio" were included on "CANTI PARTIGIANI" (CD compilation - Italy).
s) on 2006, the song "Tra noi" was included on "UNDERGROUND WARRIOR COMPILATION 5" (CD compilation - Malaysia).
t) on 2006, the song "Magia" was included on "BORBEROCK SUMMER FESTIVAL 2006" (CD compilation - Italy).
u) on 2007, the songs "Piccolo G." and "Miraggio" were included on "UNDERGROUND WRECKS VOLUME TWO" (tape compilation - U.S.A.).
v) on 2009, CD "PRODUZIONE PROPRIA" (Front Cover -
Inlay Card) with the songs "Tacere", "Terre", "Getta lo scettro", "Prima del tempo", "Porta", "Ingannare", "Voltare pagina", "Differenti percorsi". Total time: 26 minutes.
w) on 2014, the Italian prog band DJANGO recorded a new version of our song "Miraggio" and included it into the demoCD "Django 3"; musicians: Marco Baldi (electric guitar, voice), Lorenzo Gioelli (keyboards, violin), Paolo Faggion who at that time was a member of DJANGO band (electronic percussions, chorus), Claudio Faggion (electric bass, voice).
Reviews of INTER NOS' works were published into these fanzines and magazines:
A.K.O.M. (I), Amshada (I), Aquamarine (England), Atropos (Spain), Darkness Attack (I), Earquake (France), Golgotha (I), Korova Milkbar (I), Psyche Out (I), Rockit (I), Screaming Sheep (I), Progmagazine (I), Katobasileia (I), Arlequins on web (I), Lethe Warden Webzine (I), Trespass (I), Esseri Rock (I), 5 Star Life (I), Temple of Eternity (Greece), The Original Sin (Belgium), Hiddinkulturz (Scotland), Vision Thing (England), Hell And Damnation (England), Bizarre (England), Romantic Outsider (England), Shrunken and Mummified (Hungary), Taladro (Mexico), Beyond (Belgium), Konstelacja Cienia (Poland), Abysmal Sculptures (Singapore), Quintessence (U.S.A.), Boca Suja (Brazil), Narfroturgh Newsletter (Malaysia), Kemenyan (Malaysia), Rockbottom (U.S.A.), Metal Warpage (Malaysia), The Phiz (Malaysia), Atmospheric (Poland), I don't give a fuck (South Africa), Fly Kintal (Brazil), Nessuno Schema (I) and others.
The band did exchanges with bands and distros:
a) BANDS: ---- from Italy: Vortice Cremisi, Juglans Regia, Starlight, Post Fata, Quiet Flower, Gardens of Cry, 4WD (from Gorizia - Italy), Next Domination, Nowhere, Ilaria Si Fa Tesa, Le Sponde Del Fiume, Madrigali Madri, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Meridiano Zero, Uncork, Cadabra, Perverse, Shears, Anello Magnetico Rotante, Frozen Child, Visionoir, Point Break, Sadium, Barrock, Putrid Flesh, Pan Pipes, State O' Mind, Atestabassa, Iconoclast, Enemynside, Big Anal, Alba Caduca, Vegetebol, Promo, Nikotina, Il Canemacchina, Anatrofobia, Kingcrow, Heartfield, Link, Good Ol' Boys, The Brusarja, La Cacca Intorno, Rosaluna, Mindflower, Degheio, Fabricio Alvarez, Reverie, Notturno Concertante, Blueprint, Garden Wall, Spacciatori di Musica Stupefacente, Born in Orn, Bhangra Beat, Fiascodegama, Luigi Bianco, Dis/Funzioni Mentali, The Bonnie Parkers, Dr. Catrame, Chronic, Klown, Escapism, Ali di Vetro, Cum Fragore, Gargantha, Sat 11, Headroller, Claudio Cappelli, Wojtyla Express, L'Ottava Reale, Ottomani, Shine, Free Apn Combo, Vapurella, Percezione Distorta, Passover, Kalashnikov, Sintomi di Gioia, Elkann Henudo, So What, Freedom Jailers, The Rebus, An Handful Of Dust, Flordesangre, Passion for Bleeding, Mig-29 Over Disneyland, Sidus Tenebrarum, David's Lodgers, Fuser, Scrimshank, Franz Merkalli & Tellurika, Titor, Gradinata Nord, Bava, Il Rebus, Caligo, Fake Healer, Ines Lee, Not For Rent, S.A.D.C. (Senza Aggiunta Di Conservanti);
---- from other Countries: Barton Dean (The Netherlands), Stardrowned (Greece), Seraphin (Scotland), Artemiy Artemiev (Russia), Nitchevo (France), Unholy Death (U.S.A.), De Madeliefjes (The Netherlands), Mythopoeia (Czech Republic), Caress (Slovak Republic), Naked Scarecrow (France), Forgotten Silence (Czech Republic), Carlo R. De Shouten (U.S.A.), Moongarden (Poland), Thorn (Poland), Hematocele (Brazil), Shadeworks (Belgium), Repressao Social (Brazil), Romantic Love (Czech Republic), Mytra (Hungary), Do Rady! (Czech Republic), Dream Weaver (Greece), Iguanas (Brazil), Predator (Brazil), Beast Petrify (Singapore), Entalpia (Hungary), Sabot (U.S.A./Czech Rep.), Imperfection (Brazil), Awakening (Hungary), Constantinopolis (Turkey), Kaos Social (Brazil), Dead Chretiens (Canada), Rashit (Turkey), Litham (Algeria), Au Revoir (Malaysia), Kurasakuasa (Malaysia), Venusian Death Cell (Ireland), Crystal Tears (Greece), Antacid (Malaysia), Skitsofrenia (Malaysia), Farasu (Malaysia), Hereafter (Malaysia), Glaukom Synod (France), Tiran (Russia), Gut Bucket (U.S.A.).
b) DISTROS: A.K.O.M. (I), En Negro (Spain), General Rock Company (I), Metal Zone (I), Nailed (I), No Brain Rec. (I), Sottovuoto (I), Whitness (I), Sottosopra (I), A.T.B. (I), Aaargh (I), Bastian Kontrario (I), Spacciatori (I), Bar-H (I), Jolly Roger Records (I), Kaw (U.K.), Evil Hell (U.S.A.), Fallon (Czech Rep.), View Beyond (Czech Rep.), Father (Lithuania), Underground Ecstasy (Slovak Rep.), Reality Impaired Rec. (U.S.A.), A.O.N. (Bulgaria), Rock Express (Yugoslavia), Schwarze Rosen (Poland), Secret Port (Greece), Kroket Records (The Netherlands), Sukk Prod. (Turkey), Yousns Rec. (U.S.A.), Corrupted Harmony Musick (Turkey), Metal Jeers (Poland), Les Disques Stauropygial (Russia), Nervous Tongue (U.S.A.), Wee Rock Records (U.S.A.).
Other musical experiences of INTER NOS' members: Claudio and Paolo played on POLIPHONIX, hard-prog band, from 1987 to 1996. Claudio played on LITTLE WINGS, rock band, from 1988 to 1991. Claudio and Paolo played in other bands too, from 1996 till now.
PRICES OF CD/MC AND MERCHANDISING: one copy of demo "Transizione" (only CDr version; no more tapes are available) costs 5 Euro (p.p.i.). One copy of CD "Futuro Calpestato" costs 8 Euro (p.p.i.). One copy of CD "Deforme" costs 8 Euro (p.p.i.). One copy of CD "Produzione Propria" costs 8 Euro (p.p.i.).
Outside Italy: for shipments to the European Community, add 5 EURO for each copy of each desired title (1 Euro = 1 $, so it's simple). For shipments outside the European Community, contact us first: the high cost of customs duties, to be verified, makes sending it inadvisable because the final price will be very expensive.
Only well hidden cash (Euro or $), please. Swaps and trades are welcome.
Claudio Faggion, Via Ferruccio Soliman 23, 30028 San Michele al Tagliamento (VE) - Italy.
E-mail: internospienne (at) libero (dot) it
Old Web site, abandoned since 2002: http://web.tiscali.it/inv/internos
- Frasi - Immagini Vuote - Miraggio - Occhi e Voci - Sapevi - Tra Noi
- Tacere - Voltare pagina - Immagini Vuote - Occhi e voci
1 - Non può andare meglio
2 - Sapevi
3 - Viaggiatore
4 - Differenti percorsi
5 - Transizione
1 - Tra noi
2 - Lamp
3 - Una vecchia chitarra
4 - Voglia di pensare
5 - Abbandono
6 - Frasi
7 - 1999,5
8 - Futuro calpestato - instrumental ghost track
DEFORME - CDR - 2002
1 - Piccolo G.
2 - Magia
3 - Immagini vuote
4 - Occhi e voci
5 - Sospesi
6 - Miraggio
1 - Tacere
2 - Terre
3 - Getta lo scettro
4 - Prima del tempo
5 - Porta
6 - Ingannare
7 - Voltare pagina
8 - Differenti percorsi (2009 version)
In the summer of 1996, the song "Lamp" (sung in the Friulian language) was sent to Radio Onde Furlane (Udine, Italy) to participate in the Premi Friûl 1996 music contest; it was the first song recorded by INTER NOS band; line-up with Paolo Faggion on rhythm and lead guitar in the first part, Claudio Faggion on bass in the whole song, besides at rhythm guitar in the second part, and, as a guest, our cousin Stefano Tracanelli (author of the lyrics) on vocals and flute.
- Lamp, "Premi Friûl 1996" version.
The song "Transizione", in a slightly different version from the one included in the demo tape TRANSIZIONE, was included in RIFF RAFF COMPILATION (tape & CD compilation published by the fanzine RIFF RAFF - Marsala, Trapani, Italy); we don't remember the year of publication, but it was 1999 at the latest.
- Transizione, version included into RIFF RAFF COMPILATION.
In the year 2000, the song "Occhi e voci" (live version) was included in GIUBIROCK 2000 (CD compilation); the final concert of the GIUBIROCK 2000 festival, from which the song is taken, took place in the courtyard of the Aristide Gabelli school (Viale Trieste n. 16, Pordenone, Italy) on June 17th,2000.
- Occhi e voci, versione included into the CD Compilation GIUBIROCK 2000.
In the year 2002, the song "Attraverso valli e monti" was included in PROVE TECNICAL DI RESISTENZA CD compilation; the song was performed live at the musical event 'Prove Tecniche di Resistenza', Area Festintenda, Mortegliano (UD), Italy, on April 25th, 2001.
- Attraverso valli e monti, version included into the CD Compilation PROVE TECNICHE DI RESISTENZA.
In the year 2002, the songs "Loco", "Attraverso valli e monti" (studio version) and "Lamp" (1996 version) were included in IL GENERALE WESTMORELAND (CD compilation).
The song "Loco" is an instrumental semi-improvisation, played over musical basis; the name of the song takes inspiration from a place that no longer exists, the El Loco Brewery, in Orcenico Inferiore di Zoppola (PN), Italy, where, if we are not mistaken, in one of the two concerts we made there in the year 2000 we presented this song as an experiment, which we never repeated in the future performances.
- Loco.
The song "Attraverso valli e monti", studio version, dates back to the spring of 2001, and it was sent to the organizers of the PROVE TECNICHE DI RESISTENZA music festival (see above).
- Attraverso valli e monti, studio version.
The song "Lamp", 1996 version, was the first one composed by INTER NOS band (see above).
- Lamp, version "Premi Friûl 1996".
In the year 2014, the Italian prog band DJANGO included, in its demoCD "Django 3", a version of our song "Miraggio" played by Marco Baldi (electric guitar, vocals), Lorenzo Gioelli (keyboards, violin), Paolo Faggion who was at the time a member of that band (electronic percussion, choirs), Claudio Faggion (electric bass, vocals).
- Miraggio, version recorded by DJANGO Italian prog band.
There are undoubtedly further recordings, but we can't find them... and perhaps it's a good thing.
LYRICS: Italian and English versions of them are into our old website, except for the work "Produzione Propria". English version (included the songs of "Produzione Propria") is at this page.
NEXT CONCERTS and LINKS: go to the news' page (Italian written) in this website.
PHOTOS: you can see them into the old website, or in the page of the band into the website "Cantine", or in the page http://www.reverbnation.com/internos.
Photos of the concert made at Circolo ArtPort in Palazzolo dello Stella (UD) - Italy, on October 19th, 2013: click here.
- concert at SERIO ROCK FESTIVAL (except for half of the first song), in Cologno al Serio (BG), Italy, July 9th, 2011: go to http://www.youtube.com/user/stetrak1967.
- concert at Circolo ARCI EventualMente (almost all of the songs played that evening), in Cormòns (GO), Italy, February 27th, 2016: as above.
- other songs in "live version", at the same Youtube Channel: Magia, live in November 2009, 14th , at Ex Osteria Le Piramidi, Rivignano (UD), Italy; Miraggio and Nuova alba (the second one is a song composed by POLIPHONIX band, in which the Faggion brothers played), live in July 2013, 13th, at Bar Al Falco, San Michele al Tagliamento (VE), Italy.
Demo "Transizione"
First of all you are impressed by the "serious" sleeve and then, while you're putting the tape in the proper place to squeeze a sound from it, your eyes linger through the lyrics... well, these can be poems read in the darkness of a stage, in a monologue key, indeed! The lyrics are the part I like most (especially "Viaggiatore" and "Differenti Percorsi") in the whole Inter Nos project. The sound is not exactly my mind, it's a sort of progressive industrial with 80's new wave's disfunctions here and there, gloomy but not desperate... well, I'm not too much involved but rarely I've seen such a variety of sounds distinguishing one song to the other; usually this genre is so repetitive! Write to... [SCREAMING SHEEP 'zine, n. 10 - Italy]
Inter Nos can't be really described. Inter Nos are coming from Pordenone, a small city in Italy... it's about 100 Kilometers from Venice. They are a duo and brothers! Claudio plays the electric bass and sings, while Paolo plays electronic drums and sing in a few short parts... "It's not really easy over here in Italy", says Claudio "if it comes to succes over here you have to play pop as Eros Ramazzotti or easy rock just as Litfiba. When a band plays a particular kind of music, it's easy to criticize but it's very hard to understand the musician's efforts. And if you don't play commercial music, it's very hard to do some gigs as well. But what we really want is to keep on playing, it doesn't interest us to become real professional musicians". A very well known story. Struggle to be heard, but one day their chance will come... I'm sure of that.
[THE ORIGINAL SIN 'zine, n. 8 (december 1997) - Belgium]
An unquestionable fact is that Italian scene has to present enormous steps of progress the last one or two years and as a result new and very promising bands appear continuesly. The genres that have been more benefit from this situation are those of Epic Metal, of Progressive Metal, but also of art rock. From this last field comes INTER NOS band, who consist a very distinguished group, who tries to bring a new direction in music and their own personal aesthetic. The brothers Claudio and Paolo Faggion present their first demo entitled "Transizione", which consists from 5 tracks that I would say belong in the wider area of rock with many samplers, original, but at the same time, peculiar ideas and of course a result that escapes from the already given and the same old things and opens new doors of expression in Art Rock music. This work is one of those that you can not make a sure conclusion with the first time you hear it, but it wants many and careful listenings in order to understand it completely. Even though I have to admit that my hearings include harder musical directions and more close to pure Heavy Metal, nevertheless I have to say that INTER NOS have some moments that play really very interesting and mature music. The only disadvantages I detected are that I would prefer more use of "natural instruments" and not so many samplers, and also the fact that the vocals are on Italic and as a result this deprives the band from, in my opinion, a wider recognition from a bigger audience outside their country. But for the fans of experimental and technical Rock that don't afraid to "taste" new things, INTER NOS are a very good choice. The demo comes with a professional artwork and costs 5 $.
[TEMPLE OF ETERNITY 'zine, autumn 1997 - Greece]
Original and personal: this is the demo of this band coming from Pordenone, constituted by two elements, two brothers (who played on Poliphonix band) who set out on a musical journey out of fashion. The style of the band is hardly definable: it is based on two principal instruments - electric bass, sometimes with a lot of effects, and electronic percussions - and a few parts of guitar and keyboard, with a "clean" singing in Italian. The strange things are the voluntary false notes on the sung parts: this element makes the music of Inter Nos particular. This isn't a demo easily assimilable; on the contrary, you must listen a lot of time the songs included on "Transizione", to appreciate the style of the band. Significant things: the lyric of Sapevi - dedicated to a girl - and the voice on the song Differenti Percorsi, effected with a ping-pong delay. Black and white lay-out with informations, lyrics and band's photo; impeccable recording. Now, it depends on you: if you look for something strange and difficult to understand, you must have this demo; if you don't look for it, avoid this demo because you will be disappointed. [translated from AMSHADA 'zine, n. 4 - Italy]
INTER NOS, maybe because Claudio and Paolo Faggion make all themselves... and they succeed in their efforts. Claudio (bass and voice) and Paolo (chorus and percussions) talk, in the demo "Transizione", about emotions and feelings (insecurity, lonelisess), destiny, time which passes quickly. Lyrics are not much sung, almost spoken, on an excellent musical base which could live without lyrics, as a good energetic Rock. The main track is Transizione, but I would point at Differenti Percorsi; you, after the first listening, remember the music of this song better than the rest... and the first listening doesn't deceive.
[translated from A.K.O.M. 'zine (Cinzia Donati), n. 10 - Italy]
The lyrics are in Italian, so I'm not entirely sure what they're singing about, but the melodies and arrangement of this are excellent. It's twisty-turn prog-rocky stuff with lots of original ideas, great stuff.
[AQUAMARINE 'zine, n. 15 (autumn 1998) - England]
Tras la separacion este pasado verano de los hard proggers Poliphonix (con tres demos officiales), los hermanos Claudio y Paolo Faggion - bajo e bateria respectivamente -, vuelven con una nueva demo y projecto: Inter Nos. Musica muy alejada del estilo que caracterizo' en su anterior andadura, y mas involucrada en situaciones avant-garde. Concebita para voz, bajo y bateria!! Con leves rasgos de guitarra y teclados a cargo de Paolo. El duo italiano crea dibujos surrealistas, de expresion cercana a veces a gente como Neu o Cluster, e incluso la actual industrial music, que yo llamaria en este caso "musica mecanica" y no solo per por la portada: ambientes aridos, intencionadamente (lo que le da un notable merito) fria, petra, marmorea... "Transizione" contiene cinco temas de clara inspiracion investigadora, rondando los 5-6 minutos de duracion. Siendo "Differenti Percorsi" y el tema titulo (o sea, la segunda cara), mis predilectos. Kraut rock, Avant Garde y cierto toque industrial en una extrana mezcla. Recuerdo que senti algo similar a esto como primera impresion en cierta ocasion que trabajo' en una enorme fabrica de aluminios...quiza' sea este su proposito!!
[ATROPOS 'zine, n. 4 (marzo 1997) - Spain]
CD/MC "Futuro Calpestato"
The brothers Claudio and Paolo Faggion reappear with this work that, even if it keeps the original musical ideas of experimental prog rock, sounds harder and "adulter" than the first demo Transizione. Almost all the work is very exciting, as the song "LAMP" and expecially the magic-futuristic one "1999,5" in which - in addiction to the interesting lyrics - you can appreciate the great Paolo's familiarity with the keyboards. [PSYCHE OUT 'zine, Spring 1999 - Italy]
INTER NOS band comes from Pordenone, and it put to a severe test my ability of "fault-finder" with this tape entitled Futuro Calpestato; the music proposed by the band takes a very hypnotic progressive-metal as a starting point, and then gives free creative outburst with musics and lyrics absolutely out of the ordinary. Long oneiric rides which rise from the everyday's spectres... the "stories" of I.N. seem to be blades of fused steel which fit themselves into a solid wall of cement. The peculiarity is in the singing, almost recited, which remembers the MASSIMO VOLUME's production and which is, according to me, the real pleasant characteristic of I.N. band. [RADIOSOTTOSOPRA 'zine, January/February/March 1999 - Italy]
A pleasant return, on Darkness Attack's pages, for INTER NOS band, which was interviewed in the first number of our 'zine after the publication of the demo "Transizione"; now they return with this new work which is very interesting. I admit that "Transizione" was harsh, both for experiments and for the strange kind of music, but "Futuro calpestato" sounds like (a bit) easily understood; music is very experimental and, every now and then, psycheledic ("Lamp" is a good example... the lyrics of this song is written in broad Friulano, the language of Friuli... I can't make head or tail of it!); the lyrics, in Italian, are very poetical and almost philosophical, simple at the first impact, but they have great meanings. The best tracks are "Lamp", "Una vecchia chitarra" (a dream in acid; the original lyrics were written in the language of Croatia), "Voglia di pensare", heavier than the other songs... but, really, the other songs are good too: "Abbandono" with its icy atmosphere, "Frasi" (a real trip, with its peculiar sung parts), "1999,5" (very progressive and "spatial"), and the first song "Tra noi", short songs that seems like an intro. Surely this isn't music for all people, but it will give unexpected emotions to the few listeners which will dare to approach it. [DARKNESS ATTACK 'zine n. 3, summer 1999 - Italy]
INTER NOS are a duo from north-east Italy consisting of two brothers...they describe their music as experimental progressive rock. I would expand on their description and say it is bass-laden, buzzsawdriven, progressive grindcore. Inter Nos' music has more emphasis on harmony rather than straigh-forward riffs. The vocals are all in Italian and are delivered in a most emphatic spoken word manner. If you want a reference point for their music, this is slightly more difficult. Try a progressive grindcore version of Zerobranco! If you like your music slightly outwith the norm, then try Inter Nos. I enjoy their music and look forward to hearing more from them.
[HIDDINKULTURZ 'zine n. 3, summer 1999 - Scotland]
Claudio from Inter Nos thought it'd be a problem for me to appreciate their new demotape as it has a much harder sound (in my letter I told him I wasn't that keen on thrash or death metal). At contrary, Claudio! But... don't think now they are a metal band, they are making experimental progressive rock (their words, so I'm nothing anything up!). The more brutal sound gives this tape an energetic blast that were needed on their other releases (not that they were bad, but they sounded a bit too lame) ... so this is certainly the best thing I heard from our Italian friends. Do I recommend this? Difficult to say as I'm convinced that some of you will hate this type of music, but if you're in prog rock then I'd say you would be a fool if you miss this (ESPECIALLY this release). Oh, and if you're in for a try, the band is always in to do a sort of swop...
[THE ORIGINAL SIN 'zine, n. 26 (january 2000) - Belgium]
Desde Italia recibimos el material de este duo de "Experimental progressive rock", y ya que lo son, puesto que solo utilizan bajo y percusion pero suenan como una banda. Se asemejan al industrial, pero sin teclados, el bajo es distorsionado y con full efectos, las letras son en Italiano. Inter Nos son de Pordenone, un pueblo al nor-este de Italia. Se formo' en el 1996 y lo conforman los hermanos Faggion, Claudio (bajo/voces) y Paolo (percusion electronica y voces). En el 1997 sacan el demo "Transizione" con 5 temas. Ahora en el 1999 lanzan el MC/CD "Futuro Calpestato" con 7 temas. Recomendado para gente que quiera experimentar con nueva musica.
[SUBTERRANEA 'zine, dic. 1999 - Ecuador]
Italian duo consisting of brothers Claudio and Paolo Faggion who've had previous experience in prog and hard rock bands. You've got pounding drums and metallic riffs overlaid with melodic vocals. We're not talking death metal, more akin to progressive rock, closer to bands that were around in the early 70's. The music is always adjusting as it goes along which gives an almost jazz feel.
[BIZARRE 'zine, june 2000 - England]
On most of the tracks here, there's a heavier sound than their previous tape, but this isn't metal - it still fits into the "experimental prog rock" description used of their earlier material. I've not heard anything else that sounds like this band - although they're proggy ther's a strong experimental element to the sound, making them sound pretty unique. They aren't the kind of band who compromise melodies just to be experimental though. I can recommend this tape- although Inter Nos are mainly known about by metallers, this music is far more original than the majority of metal and I reckon it could be appreciated by people who don't generally like metal. Like I said before, this stuff is mostly quite heavy but I'd be lying if I said it was metal.
[AQUAMARINE 'zine, july 2000 - England]
CD "Deforme"
I like this Italian band very much, in spite of the fact that they don't play any kind of the music I usually listens to. In fact the music they experimenting with can't be easily labelled, since these two guys approach it from a really individual direction. With the help of electric instruments (only a bass and a percussion) they try to formulate their own views on making songs, which I think they managed to accomplish quite well. Even the sound of Inter Nos is unique, though it is a hard task when it comes to the limitation of the instruments they use. There will be ones who are against this sound from the very moment they hear it, still the contrary is what happened to me and probably to some more people. Their song structures aren't ordinary; for this material I think they developed it to a more complex form than it was in their previous stuff. The Italian texts sung by the immature or probably even false, clean male voice just increase that peculiarity, and this is also that might shrink people back from these 6 songs, but I have to say if Claudio were growling as hell, Inter Nos would lose something which is absolutely as well as inalienably their own feature. Honestly saying, I can recommend this 23-minutes-long, futuristic disc to anyone who usually hates thinking blinkered and can enjoy stuffs that aren't really Metal.
[SHRUNKEN & MUMMIFIED 'zine, issue # 4, Summer 2002 - Hungary]
God this is some strange stuff! Post-modern Prog-Metal/Hard Rock from 2 Italian brothers who love to experiment with eclectic sounds abd more than unorthodox ideas to their music. The vocals are not in English, so that made things a bit difficult but musically, not that bad despite this isn't my fortay with all the abstract stuff. Imagine Voi Vod and Skyklad in a boxing match with Men At Work, Rammstein and Dead can Dance. I give it originality: that's for sure since no one else is playing this that I know of on a grand scale. If you want to go out on a limb and experience six of the most bizarre songs with "unexpected" ideas, look no further than these guys.
[QUINTESSENCE webzine, September 2002 - U.S.A.]
From the moment you declare to be open to all Rock and Metal's possible subcategories, you must accept certain genres, even when they surprise and destabilize you. In this case, I already had a close encounter with Inter Nos' previous demo (two years ago) and since I digested it rather well, I shouldn't have been surprised... and yet! The Faggion brothers make things so weird that one cannot stay indifferent to their experiments! One of them is on the bass, the other on electronic percussion and both sing. Okay, the singing is more chanted than sung and it is still in Italian (topped with a scrumptious northern accent), but it's quite easy to listen to actually. Anyway, I find the new compositions much more catchy than the ones on "Futuro Calpestato". Personally, I find "Immagini vuote" and "Miraggio" the most successful of the lot. You'll tell me about it: if you aren't against experimental rock, don't hesitate to take a listen to this new demo. The others have been warned. Hey, in any case it won't harm you to listen to something a little different from your usual djoomdjoom. A different do...
[BEYOND webzine, October 2002 - Belgium]
Well, Inter Nos were far too original from what you have listened to in this beautiful world. I never expect to receive such experimental music from these u/g scene. As their vocalist said to me, Inter Nos maybe (are) in the same circle of progressive rock/metal band, but their style are too strange to be called as progressive things in the same time. It's totally experiment! Maybe they sang in Italian makes me feel eve more original and weird coming from my audio (the same case of Brujeria! Heh!). Let me tell you the story of Inter Nos' come out of Italy, with their previous works "Transizione" MCD (1997), "Futuro Calpestato" CD (1999) and "Deforme" (2002). In the same environment with other Italian progressive bands like Barrock, Blind Mirror, Iconoclast and Garden Wall. Inter Nos consists with only Claudio Faggion (voice and electric bass) and the brother Paolo Faggion (voice, electronic percussions). The bass was heavily distorted, so does with the voices. Some nice percussion strokes, and samples/effects all around: it's 6 songs of dark ambient/rock is what on my stereo now. They even gave me the translations of their lyrics in English and Radiohead is what come across in my mind, for example; if you want to check them, send out a Cd-r to: Inter Nos c/o F.lli Faggion, Via Colvera 2, 33170 Pordenone, Italy.
[KEMENYAN 'zine, issue # 8, February 2003 - Malaysia]
I really like the music on this. Some nice changes lots of odd time signatures but they flow into each other really smoothly. Singing in Italian really throws me but the more I listen to this I am getting used to it. The sound is one complaint because some songs are clear and others are muddy. But, after all it is about music right? Parts remind me of King Crimson which is cool. It's technical without being over the average listeners head, and that is hard to do even not being over some musicians heads is hard to do too. I would be interested in hearing some other things from them.
[ROCKBOTTOM webzine, April 2004 - U.S.A.]
I don' t know... just none metal sound but very supportive band. Here is bring to you experimental progressive rock with voice, electric bass and electronic percussions. They put musical and originality above all. True musician, honestly but in an Italian lyric. But the CD (not CD-r) come with lyric translation in English. Definitely I'm so impressed with the message indeed.
[METAL WARPAGE 'zine, issue # 2, Summer 2004 - Malaysia]
Inter Nos was born in 1996, after some demos and this CD was released in 2002, contents 6 songs in 23 minutes and the music was experimental progressive rock with voice, electric bass and electronic percussions (as the band defined their music) with only 2 musicians, Claudio Faggion (electric bass, voice) and the brother Paolo Faggion (voice, electronic percussions); before this I never heard anything like this and I can say that their music is quite unique and I like the no. 2 track, and the lyrics are mostly in Italian, there's a translation included. Talked about life, rights etc. So for those who are interested, you can contact Inter Nos c/o F.lli Faggion, Via Colvera 2, 33170 Pordenone - Italy; for more info about this band: http://web.tiscali.it/inv/internos.
[THE PHIZ 'zine, issue # 1, Spring 2005 - Malaysia]
(...) Here you can find a very interesting piece of music: as far as I know, this is a two piece. The music is very progressive in a direction which most of the bands are afraid to go in. Here & there you can find a folkish piece, like in Falkenbach!! Further on it's mostly clean voice, sung in Italian, but luckily for me, I got the English translation! The cover of the CD is not very outstanding, but fit some of the multi edged of the music perfectly. You can describe this as bass/keyboard driven music with clean vocals, a lot of experimental dimentions & effects. Not really any type of music but somehow I like it & I'll definitely listen to more of their tunes. Get this from me or the band.
[I DON'T GIVE A FUCK 'zine, issue V, Summer 2006 - South Africa]
CD "Produzione Propria"
Claudio Faggion (voice, bass, music, lyrics) and Paolo Faggion (electronic percussions, microsynth, music, lyrics), selecting unusual subjects for their manifestoes, want to inform you of various significant matters through the agency of Progressive Rock experiments with curt shouts, superfluously torn rhythms and other vanguard artistical over-indulgences. The chosen method of mental transmission commonly rejects a considerable amount of the outmoded harmonists, although the fanatic destroyers of competent compositions hold that the songs of Inter Nos are too melodious. How can we expound our diverse ideas amidst incomprehension and indifferent social environment? Every artist, having a patent way of doing something, paints an unique self-portrait against the background of the cosmic void . . . from 1987 to 1996, Claudio and Paolo intermingled Hard Prog colours and sounds in poliphonix. During the summer-tide od 1996, these brothers decided to create Inter Nos. Besides that, Claudio flapped a Rock band which was named Little Wings. "Produzione Propria" is available for ten euro. Send your kind regards and offers of cultural co-operation to: Claudio and Paolo Faggion, Via Colvera 2, 33170 Pordenone, Italy.
[ALEXANDER STOLYAROV's newsletter, issue # 76, April 2009 - Ukraine]
8 songs lasted for 25 mins, to my surprise, these guys had improve a lot thru’ experiments from materials after another. It’s kind of technical electro industrial/rock/death metal that I can describe out of you, it’s unusual stuff just like Glaukom Synod but with vocals & using real guitard & bass yet it’s stoll not close. If only they can sing out with more vocal lines though in their native language, believe it should still be better as their vocals are clean. I think this is the Faggion brothers best product to date since I new ‘em during my demo days! 4 ½/5.
[ABYSMAL SCULPTURES ‘zine, n. 7, August 2009 – Singapore]
I own the only copy of this album on cassette. 30 years from now, I’ll be able sell this for millions providing me sluts and food in my old age. So why am I reviewing this cassette when it is available on CD only? I want you to bug Claudio to make you a personalized cassette version too. Under no circumstance should you settle for the CD version. Inter Nos is a 2-man band that employs progressive drum beats, synthesized distorted bass tones, sky jiked keyboard overtones, and spoken Italian vocalization. This is the sound of a kitchen in an Italian disco pizzeria on Planet Epsilon. The brothers Faggion should be rankes as one of the best drum/bass combos. Their chemistry is unflawed with masterful thematically precision. Purveyors of good Underground music must own this album. Note their new contact address.
[DEFIANCE OF GOTHIC NIRVANA X ‘zine, Issue 33, July 2010 – U.S.A.]
Interview published on ABYSMAL SCULPTURES 'zine n. 1 (Spring 2002) - Singapore
Q.: So tell us, is it really difficult to get other musicians that suit the band's expectations?
A.: Inter Nos is a band of brothers, Claudio and Paolo Faggion. There're people showed interested in joining us but we don't need them. We've other musical projects different from Inter Nos. Paolo plays cover in an experimental rock cover band. Claudio plays in a band that accompanies theatrical performances.
Q.: Other hobbies besides music?
A.: For Claudio, he likes football but becoming too fat, and likes to correspond with persons of every nation especially musicians.
Q.: Does anybody else in your family play music?
A.: We started to play with our cousins when we're kids.
Q.: How do you guys attended any lesson learning to play the instruments?
A.: We learned by ourselves and haven't gone to any classes so our theoretic rudiments are poor but this isn't a big problem.
Q.: You guys really update Inter Nos activities and achievements. Anyway, how do you manage to organize your time in doing the band-related stuffs and personal matters?
A.: Claudio interests into the bureaucratic things of music's world. In Italy, there's an enormous unnecessary bureaucracy for everything. Then, I'm a lawyer, so I can understand some things into the complex jungle of Italian laws.
Q.: How many recording tracks do Inter Nos normally use?
A.: We used 8 tracks recorder & we've made a "master" on a CD-R and every copy is a duplication of the master. We make copies of our work one by one.
Q.: What do you know about Asian U/G scene?
A.: I know Malaysia & Philippines there's a great number of 'zines. Bands: only Beast Petrify contacted us from Asia. We received a compilation tape from Indonesia but I don't know where the bands included in the tape come from.
Q.: Have you guys visited any?
A.: We've visited European countries but not Asian.
Q.: Any specific believes in religions and comments over superstition and racism?
A.: We're both Roman Catholics that don't follow religion constantly. We participated only in important events like Christmas and Easter masses. Every person has an own order which divides religion from superstition and things which one person considers as normal and to some, it's stupid. Generally speaking, the positive aspect of religion is that it gives hope to hopeless person, the negative aspect of religion is that every religion considers claim itself the best and others must be destroyed. This is the truth and we see that the worst tragedies into the world's history were generated, directly or indirectly, by religious divergences [COMMENT of interviewer: in some matter, things you said are true but certainly there must be only one true religion. Even in any religion, if you really follow the believes at your best, you'll gain peace in mine and hearts as well self-confidence but honestly even I'm not that holy but I still defend certain values of my personal principal][-- REPLY of Claudio Faggion: honestly I wrote different things in my paper-answers, so probably there was a misunderstanding; I haven't written that there is only a right Religion and the other ones are false. How can we say that one religion is false or true? Then, I'm not sure that values of big Religions are compatible each other. Watch the TV and read the newspapers... or maybe I'm living on the Moon? --]. Racism in Italy is difficult to say. A simple example of what it means; everyday in Italy, 100s of clandestine immigrants arrive and among them there are a lot of criminals. If we receive them, we accept them but they absolutely want to behave as they did in their country and they don' t respect Italian laws; if they [NOTE of Claudio Faggion: "if Italian people"] refuse them, we're racist. The behaviour in my opinion: a stranger who comes in Italy must respect our rules, our laws and our way of living as I respect the laws, religions ad opinions of the countries in which I go as tourist or as worker. Strangers, who don't want to work and who don't respect Italy must be kicked out of this country. If you call this opinion as "racism", well, I'm proud to be racist.
Q.: A unique honest sight from you, I personally respect your thoughts on this. In extreme music which concept do you like?
A.: I'm more interested in experimental heavy bands like Pestilence, Voivod, Cynic (I've only one album), Watchtower, Death Organ and I suggest you the Italian band Garden Wall. In death metal's lyrics, I don't appreciate obtuse irreligiousness and instigation to hate.
Q.: You know Juglans Regia; I wrote to them before but they're silent ,'till these days never reply to my interview; what's your opinion on them and other friends of mine like Thorn, Mytra and Unholy Death who also silent after replying once?
A.: I know Juglans Regia (from the province of Florence) since the band's name was Raising Fear and still Poliphonix band, in which we played, was active. I haven't received news from Massimiliano Dionigi (bass) for more than a year; he doesn't answer to my letters so I don't want to waste my time following the ghosts. They announced their first CD but I haven't seen it at shops and I haven't read reviews about it. Their music was classic metal in the beginning, then it changed into elaborate long (but not boring) songs. You've mentioned other bands that made swaps with us; musically, I like Mytra more than others. The only band which we're still in contact is the Polish one Thorn, they borrowed our CD "Futuro Calpestato" in order to help in promoting Inter Nos' songs on to the conductor or a radio show an one song was broadcasted.
Q.: Why don't you guys do fanzine since you guys have lots of contacts in the U/G from various musical-approaching angles?
A.: We don't write a fanzine because there are already too many incompetent scribblers and we don't want to be inserted in that list. I write reviews of works which I've appreciated and I send these reviews to Italian 'zines, it's good if they like my writings.
Q.: Sorry to ask on your personal matter, are you guys married?
A.: About that, Claudio is single and Paolo is engaged.
Q.: What's your comment on pornography that is overruling the world youth of today?
A.: It's a bad thing when it involves minors; in this case, in Italy there are hard punishment for these crimes. If they're over 18, I've got nothing to say. Morals change, 30 years ago an uncovered breast was a scandal, now it's almost a normal image during every TV-show!
Q.: That simply shows that the worlds are getting more modernized and more people are losing faith [NOTE of Claudio Faggion: "the faith, again! What's that got to do with it? There's something bigoted in that comment..."]. Anyway, don't you ever think of doing mainstream business?
A.: I think that a band receives attention if it can be easily fitted into a precise category. Inter Nos' music doesn't enter precisely into progressive rock or heavy metal or something else. Other bands' members appreciate us as musicians; sure this is a good thing, but a person that doesn't play an instrument will not understand the invisible great Inter Nos works. Most people listen to music that's easier to comprehend.
Q.: Why are the lyrics speaks about personal matters?
A.: It's a good form of describing our own feeling. It's not easy to understand Italian, the English version is clearer explanation. If we'd translate literally our Italian lyrics in English, the result was nonsense. In our CD "Deforme" there're songs that shows our thoughts about real events; "Piccolo G." is the story of a children who was born without brain on 1998 in Turin. "Occhi e voci" is a commentary about the war on ex-Yugoslavia.
Q.: Updates, merchandise and will Inter Nos play in Asia or do a tour or something and be a complete live band?
A.: The possibilities of Inter Nos touring Asia are less than zero. If you think that in Pordenone, our city, we've played twice (only one song each time); Ancient Romans said "Nemo propheta in Patria" (nobody is a prophet in his country... or, in this case, in his town). If someone asks us for a concert, we try to do it, but our music generally it's too hard for pubs.
Q.: Which of Inter Nos release has the best response?
A.: Till now, we've distributed 260 copies of "Transizione" and 280 copies of "Futuro Calpestato". The new CD "Deforme" was just published, so we can't make calculations now.
Q.: Do you guys like brutal insane gore horror films?
A.: I haven't watched gore movies and I couldn't appreciate this kind of productions. About horror movies, I watched and remember some Dario Argento's films which have good soundtracks too (played by Italian band, Goblin).
Q.: Before we end, please tell us musical knowledge and why decided this as Inter Nos style, don't you want to have classic Italian traditional music in Inter Nos?
A.: When Inter Nos band was born on 1996 we haven't decided to play one kind of music. Our songs are different from others. If you mean Italian traditional, the sweet pop of Sanremo's Festival, we're not interested. If you mean traditional local music, I'll say we've made personal versions of popular songs of Friuli, the Italian Region in which Pordenone is included.
Q.: Future plans and current line?
A.: Inter Nos is Claudio Faggion (vocals, electric bass) and Paolo Faggion (chorus, electronic percussions). Now we' ll promote our new CD "Deforme" and maybe will sell some copies of it; but sure we won' t become as rich as Metallica! Thank you for the interview and a big "Ciao" to all the readers.
Interview published on NOISE ZEALOT 'zine, n. 1 (Spring 2003) - Thailand
1) First of all, how's life in your town today? And could you tell us something about your town?
-- Pordenone is a town of 50.000 inhabitants in the Region named Friuli Venezia Giulia, into north-east of Italy. There are some factories, but also offices of companies, banks and so on. Into the Province there are farmings of maize, soya-bean, potatoes, and vineyards. The most famous village into Pordenone's Province is Aviano, because there is a military air base used by U.S.A.'s army.
In Pordenone the life is quiet, even if there's a growing up "little criminality" (housebreakings, and so on).
2) I'm unknown to INTER NOS so much; please tell us something about to your band like history, style and line up today.
-- The band was born on 1996 after the split of Poliphonix band, in which I and my brother Paolo played. From 1996 till now we've published the demo "Transizione" on 1997, the CD "Futuro Calpestato" on 1999, the CD "Deforme" on 2002 and our songs were included into some compilations on CD and tape. Style: we use vocals, electric bass and electronic percussions. Our music can be linked to the harder area of prog rock, but someone writes on fanzines that we have "industrial" influences. Surely our music is difficult to appreciate and to include into a precise genre as heavy metal, punk or other ones. Line up: Claudio Faggion at vocals and electric bass; Paolo Faggion at chorus and electronic percussions. Into the recordings, Paolo played very short parts of guitar and keyboard.
3) About to your CD "Deforme": please present it to the readers.
-- As I've written before, the CD "Deforme" was published on 2002; it contains 6 songs. We made all the recordings by ourselves, and we record copies one by one when someone asks us for them (we have only a little stock of CD). This time, all lyrics were written by me or Paolo; for the previous works, on the contrary, we used some lyrics written by our friends too. About musics: the great part of them were born recently, but we use also parts which were composed years ago. The sound, now, is more "prog rock oriented" than the previous CD, and I think that this last issue is a good compromise between the atmospheres of our first demo and the one of the first CD.
Lyrics: they talk about personal feelings or true stories. Some listeners said that our lyrics are sad, some others said that the meaning is hard to understand. Maybe both of these things are true. The world and the life are sad, and simply I put my feelings into my lyrics. If someone thinks that things are different and he sees only good things in this Planet, well... he's a lucky person!
4) What is your favourite song from 6 songs in this CD and why?
-- It's a difficult question because, if we decide to include a song into an Inter Nos' work, we consider this song a good one. Personally, I choose "Piccolo G."; it's a song which is funny to play and not easy to understand about its lyric. It's the true story of a child born without brain; so the question is if this children deserves to survive (but surely he must die very soon) or to use his heart, his eyes and so on, and to transplant them on other children which need these organs; so, a passage from a sure death of brainless child to the hope of life for other children.
5) Have you got any influenced from any bands?
-- Surely we have influences, but every listener shows a different band and different kind of music as reference. Someone talks of Italian prog rock of Seventees (PFM, Le Orme), someone talks of new wave, someone of industrial... it's a curious thing.
6) Do you interest to doing split with any bands?
-- It could be interesting if you consider the human aspect of this activity; then, if you consider the economic side, there records haven't a real market and, besides, are hardly available (very few copied printed, and a person can buy them only by mail). I think it's a waste of money, as it's a waste of money almost all the Inter Nos' activity.
7) Do you send your stuff to any label? So, what is the response of your band from UG scene?
-- To be honest, we're not so interested. We make recordings and copes by ourselves, and we are satisfied. The thing we need is a good distribution which would buy copies of our CD and then it would sell them: at the moment, we haven't received serious proposal about this matter. The only relations with labels concern inclusion of Inter Nos' songs into tape or CD compilations.
Surely we have more response outside Italy. Then, in order to promote the CD "Deforme" I contacted almost all strangers 'zines/distros and so on, because in Italy there isn't seriousness. Generally speaking, there is curiosity about Inter Nos project, but not a great response.
8) Do you like to watch movies?
-- I'm not a big fan of cinema, but I watch films when they are televised. Recently I watched at cinema some comic-sad Italian films, and a tragic one entitled "Vajont": this is a true story, a piece of mountain fell into an artificial lake (60 km from Pordenone), water get over the dam, it flooded and destroyed some villages, more than 2000 persons died.
9) What do you and all members do outside the musician?
-- I (Claudio) am a young lawyer, my brother works as clerk into a factory.
10) Do you like football? What do you think of World Cup 2002 in Korea/Japan?
-- When we knew that we must play against Korea, in Italy we thought that our adventures was at the end. Then, referee Byron Moreno gave a big help to Korea (which is not a big team), so Italy was defeated. It was a normal thing that Korea or Japan must reach the first 4 positions because they were the organizers, but it was a shame for the sport. About Italian team, honestly we haven't played good matches and the players are not "genius". If we'd played against Brazil, Germany or Turkey, we'd lose because their teams were better than Italian one.
11) What is your perfect woman?
-- The right person who can answer to this question is my brother, because he has a girlfriend so he could explain the "perfection" to all the readers. To me, I can only say that women gave me disappointments about the love; so, I'm not sure that I want to look for a girlfriend because I consider women as a source of pain. It would be nice if a girl tried to change my mind about this subject, but it would be difficult: I am not able to communicate with them, we speak different languages.
12) List your top 10 favourite all times album.
-- The list could be long and it could change frequently. I write here the 10 works (every kind of music) which were important for me, works which I listen even now. "Powerslave" and "Live after death" (Iron Maiden), "Kill 'em all" (Metallica), "Made in Japan" (Deep Purple), "II" (Led Zeppelin), "Zen Arcade" (Husker Du), "1964-1985 Affinita'..." (CCCP Fedeli alla Linea), "Bloody Riot" (Bloody Riot), "Collage" (Le Orme), "Control and Resistance" (Watchtower). If you'll ask me the same question next year, the list could be different.
13) Tell us more about to your websites and do you interested to visit to any websites? What are there?
-- We have a website (http://web.tiscali.it/inv/internos) which is managed by a friend of mine, and he puts inside the news two or three times at year. Into our website there are Italian and English pages. The Italian section is bigger than the English one; into the English section you can read all the lyrics (translated into English, of course), a biography, reviews, interviews and photos. If someone wants to listen to our songs on MP3, he must visit these websites: www.cantine.org and www.mammamusic.it (unfortunately they are only Italian written). I visit websites of other bands and, generally, Italian musical websites as the ones above-mentioned and other ones (the names are ZioGiorgio, Samigo, Rockit, Rocknotes, Musicologi...).
14) OK, I think this is all for now, I have no more questions; do you have anything that I don't ask you?
-- I think that we've given many informations about the band: if someone needs other ones, he could ask them directly to Inter Nos band. The address is: F.lli Faggion, Via Colvera n. 2, 33170 Pordenone, Italy. One copy of CD "Deforme" costs 8 Euro / 8 $ (p.p.i.); about our previous works, one copy of the demo "Transizione" costs 4 Euro / 4 $ (p.p.i.) and a copy of CD "Futuro Calpestato" costs 8 Euro / 8 $ (p.p.i.); only well hidden cash, please. If someone wants to include our songs into a compilation, it's O.K.; but write us first, and please send us a copy of the compilation.
15) Last growth...
-- Last... what? We only say "thank you" to Preecha for this interview and another "thank you" to all the readers of this 'zine for their attention. Greetings from Italy!
Interview to KEMENYAN 'zine, n. 9 (August 2003) - Malaysia
1. Tell me the news about Italian music scene, the extreme music seems to slowing down now except for the current Power Metal fashions. Am I right?
-- I don't follow constantly our music scene because I have no free time and even because now records are very expensive here (a new issue costs 20 Euro, more or less 20 $). Listening to the recent productions, my impression is that you are right: to the young musicians, the most popular kinds of music are NU-metal and stoner-rock (with its various innumerable differences). As you surely know, generally neither NU-metal nor stoner-rock has fast rhythm.
Finally: if we consider the wide "alternative" scene, the conclusion is the same (listen to bands like well-known Marlene Kuntz or almost unknown Blueprint).
2. I know both of you playing in rock bands, before. So can you tell me more about your past experiences? Your musical background?... mostly, everyone that starting to play music in the 80's saying those days are glorious, pure spiritual than nowadays. Why?
-- Yes, we both played in other bands. I played in a rock band named "Little Wings" from 1988 to 1991; into the first year they played almost only cover, then they made own songs from melodic rock to the fast one, even if we can't consider those songs as heavy metal ones. In the same years was active another band in which I and my brother played: "Poliphonix"; this band started as absolutely amateur one in 1997, then after the split of "Little Wings" it became the main musical occupation; that band played an hard-progressive rock quite original, even if there were clear links with the hard rock and the prog rock of Seventeen. "Poliphonix" wrote almost 20 songs, and this band stopped the activity on 1996 because there were no prospects for future improvements.
Finally, on summer 1996, I and my brother Paolo without other musicians started with the new project named "Inter Nos". We didn't know what the future would be: at the beginning we thought that this band would remain a studio-project, and this is the reason why the songs of demo "Transizione" (1997) have more overdubs of guitar and keyboards; then, we realize that we were able to play live even if we were only two musicians, so the songs of "Transizione" were modified in order to play them during our concerts. The songs of following works (CD "Futuro Calpestato" and CD "Deforme") were composed in order to play them alive, almost without overdubs.
About our personal background: it would be too long to explain you, but shortly I can say that I listened mainly to heavy metal and Italian hardcore of '80 (bands as Raw Power, Kina, Negazione), my brother prefers hard rock of '70 (Deep Purple over all), and both listen to Italian prog rock of '70 (bands like Le Orme, Banco, PFM; all of these bands are still active).
Last question: I don't know if those days of 15 year ago were glorious ones, surely I can say you that there were more enthusiasm, less professional organizations but more opportunities to play live, more listeners at the concerts and less obtuse bureaucracy. Now, for various aspects there is a disgusting situation: I don't know how the situation is outside Italy, but here if you want to play live (even one or two times at year) you must be registered into the musicians' social security Board (E.N.P.A.L.S.) or you must create a commercial company, and it's expensive. If you, musical band, don't make these absurd things, hardly you can play live because you are considered almost at the border of illegality, and if a concert's organizer allow you to play, he could have a lot of problems with the law.
The moral of this sad tale is that now in Italy there is no sense in playing your own song: you must consider that playing music is compared to a job even if you play live only one time in your whole life, so almost every band play melodic stuff or cover songs in order to earn something. I don't feel like censuring this bands' actual behaviour, because only an idiot musician could keep on playing original song in Italy now. So, you can draw your own conclusion about Italian situation and... Inter Nos' attitude.
3.Why started INTER NOS, personally? Are you sick of hearing the commercial music? Not many people focus on originality now...
-- We both love musical research, and we made this research in every band in which we played. As you wrote, surely we are sick of commercial music; you know that Italy is the Country of melodic music, and I must admit that even into pop-rock melodic area there are some artists which deserve attention. The concept I'm trying to explain you is this one: in the places where there aren't favourable conditions, your personal thoughts become very strong and you go on in order to grant your own mental wishes, as a pioneer or a scientist, and the musician's main goal is not to make money or to have a big audience, which are material things; if you well remember the punk movement of 1978 (before the commercial exploitation by records' labels) and the contemporaneous British metal movement (Iron Maiden over all), the situation was the one which I've now described. Paradoxically, the absence of favourable conditions generates very good no-commercial stuff because musicians haven't external pressure (for example: a label which obliges a band to publish a CD every year, an so on). The musician is an artist, or a craftsman: to create music is not a factory's assembly line. Then, if a musician starts considering this concept, he can follow his personal ideas; it doesn't mean that the final result must be absolutely original. The important thing is not the kind of music which a bands proposes, but the fact that the work is sincere. If someone plays dark, or disco music, or samba, and nobody obliged him to play that very kind of music, I respect these persons; if someone plays death-black metal because it's the mainstream fashion, this isn't an honest behaviour. About the particular Italian situation, as I've written before, I could tolerate this opportunism but I am not in agreement with it.
4. Are you happy with the coming of New Age Music? Do you think they got honesty and creativity in it?
-- This question turns up at the right moment. I don't know exactly what New Age means, because I know superficially the musical side (which is various, too) and I know nothing about the philosophical theories. As you surely know, Italy is a Catholic Nation (even if, officially, we are a secular State and not a religious one); actual Pope condemned without a doubt New Age as a dangerous doctrine, but this is an opinion which I can't agree or refuse: if His Holiness said these things, he had his reasons. Honesty and creativity: about creativity, I don't know how your opinion is, but to me it's generally a quite boring music; about honesty: here in Italy I see new age records even in grocer's shops, maybe there is a great economic organization hidden behind the musical side of this matter, and this fact allow to New Age's producers to spread his works through promotional means which are not available by other music's producers. Could you imagine a Cradle of Filth's CD into a grocer's shop on the shelf between tinned meat, toilet paper and detergent's boxes? This omnipresence of New Age's stuff makes me think that the economic aspect is more important than the musical one, and I imagine that someone makes a lot of money with this activity.
5.Why Italian like to talk about Swords, Dragons, Warriors, etc... since I knew you, I realize there is more unique bands dwell in the depth of Italy!?
-- Sincerely I haven't observed differences between Italy and other Nations about this point.
Italy had a quite good prog-rock movement during the seventees: one of the favourite matters of that kind of music is fables and fantastic world populated by fayries, gnomes, errant knights and so on. Maybe these matters remained into prog rock actual lyrics, but now prog bands make they lyrics various. About metal bands' lyrics, I think that the matters you've mentioned are not a peculiarity of Italian bands. Sure we have the Ancient Roman history which gives a lot of elements in order to write lyrics and concept-works too, but even northern European Nations have his traditions and you can easily observe that the cultural and musical movements (and almost criminal, I must admit: homicides, churches' fires) in Norway had its roots into Pagan tradition and ancient divinities of that lands. I precise to Asian readers, who probably don't know very well this matter, that Pagan tradition of ancient European populations had nothing to do with Satanism, because probably pagan traditions were born before the birth of Christ and so, under the religious aspect, pagan divinities and rites are not the Evil in comparison with Christianity. Pagan divinities are something different; strictly religiously speaking, in theory there must be indifference or, at least, even contrast with pagan divinities and Satanism: but I'm not an expert into northern European belief, you must interrogate a Scandinavian pen-pal in order to have an explanation from that point of view.
6.What INTER NOS means? Why are you only sang in Italian? What kind of thing you would like to talk in you songs?
-- The name of band is an ancient Latin expression which means "between us"; the name was chosen because this project started as a familiar 2-men-band of two brothers; after, this name could show a particular attitude of the band, which didn't received a lot of help and obtained more negative criticism than positive reviews. It means that, if we are still active after 7 years, we don't care so much of other people's thoughts and if we will stop this adventure, it will happen because there will be great problems: surely we won't stop to play as consequence of underground people's lack of interest, even if my personal opinion is that we have made our little career, enthusiasm is almost totally disappeared and now it's time to leave the stage and the scene to young motivated musicians, if they still exist in Italy.
7.Do you listen to extreme music?
-- It depends on what you consider extreme music. I'm 33 years old and I am not able to appreciate the upcoming sounds into the so-called extreme music. For example, I don't like NU-Metal because I don't understand what this music has to do with the heavy-metal; to me, it's a commercial decline. About death-black I remained 5 years in the past, but someone must explain be why a band like Impaled Nazarene was so popular even if Venom have played the same kind of music 10 years before: Venom was not great musicians, tecnically speaking, but they were excellent in comparison with the following black metal movement.
In those moments, really I'm not satisfied of extreme scene because it seems that there are only a revival of what it was already done. As we say in Italy, it's the same vegetable soup: yesterday you put more beans or less carrots, today you put more peas or less potatoes, but it remains a vegetable soup. I prefer to listen again to the classic old albums of Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Judas Priest, Anthrax, Metallica and other bands which now are not active (Pestilence over all).
8.Well, what do you know about Malaysia... from foods, to music scene?
-- It is surely strange, but we have a good number of replies from Malaysian zine-writers (Deadhead, Narfroturgh, Carrengga, and other ones) and we wait for reviews, which I'll hope there will be positive. Musically speaking, I received a CD compilation entitled "Ultra violence - a compilation" with 6 bands, which are quite good even if unfortunately they aren't very original.
About music: there is an obsessive song which last year become very famous here, of two fellow who danced before Petronas Towers (maybe the band's name was Panjabi MC).
Other things: about food, nothing. About sport, I watched on TV the car race of Formula One. To be honest, I don't know so much about your Country.
9.What can we expect from INTER NOS in time to come? Do you think INTER NOS will be a rockstar band?
-- We are not teenagers, the real life's needs waste our time, and if we realize that we will not able to produce good quality stuff, we stopped the activity. We are seriously thinking at the split of the band at the end of 2003, but I'm still contacting people for concerts which must be done next year: so, surely we go on at least till the summer of 2004. Then, who knows? We are not interested in becoming rockstar, it would be good if Inter Nos will become popular into underground scene remaining "normal person" as it happened for Italian hardcore band Kina.
10. Is it true, music reflects the innerself of the musicians? Or a spiritual method to release emotions through out art!
-- I think that both alternatives are true, in our case: even because they are two side of the same situation. It's an hard way because it is not easy to translate personal feelings into an artistic form.
Then, the result is hardly understandable from other people who won't appreciate it, and the same author of the work could be not satisfied because the final work is very far from the original idea. It happens even with our works: but I think that it is the right road to run. On the contrary, we become all stupid parrots which repeat things which were already created.
11. Gimme you opinions towards this bands:
a - I know them only by name. It seems that they are quite famous in Italy and outside my Contry, but I never listened to their songs.
b - Old black metal band from Piemonte, noth-west Italy. I have the MCD "Into the drape". Quite interesting work, even if there are ingenuousness in some sides of it: first of all, a defective English pronunciation and childish effects applied to the vocal parts which wants to frighten listeners but really the result is ridiculous. I know that recently this band made something new, I hope that they have improved these aspects.
c - Too melodic music for me.
d - They were a great band, but I think that now it's better if they retire themselves on a pension.
12. INTER NOS play live? What is the best performance you ever watch as a fan?
-- Yes, Inter Nos play live but you can imagine that it's a difficult thing. Pubs are not interested into our music, the only opportunities are into music festivals or music contest, in which you play 30 minutes. Recently we played in squats, even if we are not punkers or hardcorers. There isn't a right place for Inter Nos music, so we ask everywhere and we often play with an audience which haven't listened to such kind of music before.
As a fan, personally I remember a lot a concert of "Raw Power", Italian hardcore band, 5 years ago. It was very funny.
13. What do you think about war? It make feels terrible, man.. to see all those suffering, ruins and death. Why it has to be a war? US is bringer of death!
-- What I think about war... the answer is simply to give, even because Italy is a U.S.A.'s colony and every imbecility decided by the Great America surely will find obsequious obedience by the Italian allied. Then, 15 Km far from Pordenone (my town) there is U.S.A.'s military base of Aviano and its airport. It is sad to tell, but it was better when U.R.S.S. existed, so the reciprocal fear stopped a lot of abuses. Now, the only great world Nation is U.S.A. and they save their business everywhere, there isn't a Nation as strong as U.S.A. today. I'm not anti-American prejudicially, but I can't stand this arrogance. On the other side: the pacifist movement organize public demonstration for peace only when U.S.A. move their army. On the contrary, almost no pacifist movement act with the same care if the human rights' breaker is someone else (for example: Cuba's government against political opponents, Turkey's government against Kurdish people, China's government against Tibet's people, Russia's government against Cecenia's people). It seems that only U.S.A. is the guilty Nation; this is false, and this one-way pacifism raised by so-called left-winger people is an hypocrisy as stupid as the U.S.A.'s war. A sincere pacifist must ask for peace even if the war is made by a Nation ideologically close to his political opinions (ex Communist nations, for example); if it doesn't happen, it's a nonsense.
14. That's all pal. Have a nice day!
-- Well, this is the end of this long interview. Thank you to Rammy for these questions and support, I hope that these pages won't appear boring. I remember our address: F.lli Faggion, Via Colvera n. 2, 33170 Pordenone, Italy. Our website: http://web.tiscali.it/inv/internos.
Greetings from Inter Nos band.
Interview published on ROCKBOTTOM 'zine, n. 21 (spring 2004) - U.S.A.
INTER NOS come from Pordenone, a town in north-eastern Italy close to Venice. INTER NOS were born in the summer of 1996 and consists of brothers CLAUDIO FAGGION (electric bass/vox) and PAOLO FAGGION (electronic percussions/vox). Both brothers played in a band named POLIPHONIX described as hard-progressive rock from 1987 until 1996. CLAUDIO played in the rock band LITTLE WINGS as well from 1988 until 1991. Pegged as experimental progressive rock, INTER NOS have three releases and quite a handful of various songs on compilations under their belt. Let's see what these guys have been up to as of late...
MARCY: What's up, Claudio?? What's up with INTER NOS?? Play live lately??
-- Hallo to Marcy and to all the readers, here is Claudio Faggion of INTER NOS band, Italy. I and my brother are fine, thank you. At the moment the activity of the band is almost stopped, because during the winter we haven't opportunities to play live very much. Our music isn't interesting for pubs or, as we call them in Italy, "birrerie" (places where people drink beer); they are the only places which pay a band for the concert. We must wait for spring or summer, when there will be outdoor musical shows with a lot of bands, and a no-commercial band like INTER NOS can obtain 30 minutes of glory, playing for free. Recently we played live in a little BAR (I don't know if this word has the same meaning in English and in Italian), that place is almost the only one in which we can play live during winter. The more the audience spends money on drinks into a pub during the concert, the more the band which plays that evening is a good one: we are against this philosophy because it shows no interest in bands' quality and it considers only the economic side of the matter. This is the situation in Italy: INTER NOS band has a little audience, so "pubs", "birrerie" and so on don't ask us to play inside them.
MARCY: Your last release was in 2002?? Do you plan on releasing any new material in the future?? You mentioned feedback for your latest release "DEFORME" which contributor AJ and I happen to think is great, hasn't been that positive?? In your opinion, why?? Has your music changed a lot since your last release "FUTURO CALPESTATO" in any way??
-- Yes, our last release was published on 2002. At the moment we haven't new songs, but in our "rehearsal room" (it's the literally translation of the Italian expression "sala prove"; sorry, I don't know the correct English technical language) we are playing old songs of our previous band Poliphonix, or cover songs of Italian bands, in order to extend our songs' repertory.
About the second part of question: we obtain more approvals outside Italy than in our Country. Surely there was a change from "Futuro Calpestato" to "Deforme": "Futuro Calpestato" is more raw and aggressive, "Deforme" is prog-rock oriented and the songs included on it are, technically speaking, more difficult to play live. The paradox is that negative criticisms increase, so I don't understand if really we are getting worse and worse or if the musical scene (zine writers, radios, and generally listeners of rock music) has become narrow-minded and it consider, as good music, only the stuff proposed by great record Companies or big musical TV or Radio networks. Then, if this is the real situation, I think that the promotion of a new INTER NOS' work (if we'll publish it) will be very poor, and we'll sell the CD only during our shows.
MARCY: You sing in Italian. I can dig that. I've been hearing from a lot of Italian bands lately and some are GREAT eventhough I do NOT understand a word they're singing.... like JUGLANS REGIA, KURNAL-COOL, etc; I appreciate the translation sheet of your lyrics, THANK YOU! Ok now... You and PAOLO share the writing of lyrics and music which in my opinion, I find you both to be very talented. "LITTLE G." is a very emotional song! Tell me more about that song since you wrote it?! Also... more about "MIRAGE" if PAOLO would like to share more with me. They are very touching lyrics, they reach down into one's soul!! Do you understand what I mean?? Annnyway... as a lyricist, do you think you get your point across with your writing?? In other words, do you think people view your lyrics the way you view them or in their own way???
-- I am happy to know that interesting Italian bands like Juglans Regia or Vortice Cremisi obtain good reviews outside Italy. Kurnalkool is a fun band which uses the Marche's dialect (MARCHE is a region of Central Italy, Eastern side) in their lyrics, and they talk about wine, drinking-bouts and similar matters: pleasant songs.
About our lyrics, the answer could be long. First of all, thank you for compliments. Our lyrics are difficult to understand in Italian, too. Italian language allows many different shades of meaning, and we use this characteristic. When I had to translate our lyrics in English I found a lot of problems because these linguistic games are untranslatable, so I.N.'s lyrics become, in English, very different in comparison with original Italian-written ones.
Besides, we often want to state problems in our lyrics, and not to give answers: the answers will be found by every listener; for this reason I think that every listener has a personal view of our lyrics.
"PICCOLO G." (Little G.) is a true story of a child born without brain, so he was destined to die soon. The tragic alternative was: to detach the children from the machine which kept him alive, and then to take out the healthy organs from the corpse in order to transplant them into sick children's bodies and try to save them... or to wait for the sure death of "little G.". I haven't a right solution, I only criticize the fact that this tragedy became a sort of "live TV-show". Child's parents deserved respect and peace, not stupid interviews!
"MIRAGGIO" (Mirage) has a lyric written by my brother Paolo; half of the music was composed by me. This is the last song of CD "Deforme" and, after all, it has a vein of optimism in its words. It's an instigation to trust in your own ideas and in your own actions.
MARCY: Let's talk bands. I noticed you have been in contact with a lot over your way but not many in the States. Anyway... who are some of your favorite local bands and why?? Are you influenced by any local (unsigned musicians)?? If so, who and why?? What "big" bands/musicians have influenced you?? Outside of music, what other influences would you consider relative in your writing and music??
-- Personally I sent letters in almost every Country of the world, and of course in U.S.A. too, but we received few answers from the States. We have strong supporters there, as Carlo De Shouten (a musician from Alabama) or Don Campau who runs a radio show; then, a I.N.'s song was included into a CD-compilation published by Reality Impaired Recordings (Joplin, MO).
Here in Pordenone and in all FRIULI (the Italian Region in which Pordenone is) there were in the past, and there are even now, good bands. About the past, in Pordenone I remember Le Bambine (experimental rock as Primus), Twenty Century Zorro (Dark rock), Ex (rock), and now I can suggest you Barrock (Classic prog rock, they've published 3 CD), Dr. Catrame (Jazz rock/hardcore), Fabricio Alvarez (post punk), but the list is long. Other bands in the Region: first of all, Garden Wall (prog metal meets techno-thrash), then Spacciatori di Musica Stupefacente and Ilteatrodelleombre (melodic hardcore), Primadellapioggia (death-hardcore), Franz Merkalli & Tellurika (hard rock), and other ones.
There are websites which talk about local music: the most important are www.rocknotes.it and www.musicologi.com, but there are other ones.
The problem is that Friuli is a little and outlying land, someone considers his inhabitants as Austrian or Slovenian people and not Italian (maybe because FRIULI has an own local language which is almost incomprehensible by "foreigners" Italians coming from other Regions): the consequence is that very few bands from Friuli obtain support and become famous in the rest of Italy.
Big bands: we both like Italian progressive rock bands of 70's like Le Orme, Banco, PFM, New Trolls, and other ones. Personally I listened to Heavy Metal and Italian Hardcore too, my brother prefers hard rock (especially Deep Purple).
Inspiration for I.N. lyrics comes from real life, or from our personal experiences, our thoughts, our hopes, our disappointments.
MARCY: You also mentioned to me it "might" be time to stop with the band because there are other things to do in life. Being in a band for so long, would those other things involve music in anyway?? Why/Why not???? What other interests do you guys have besides music??
-- The main problem is the lack of enthusiasm. We play in bands since we were teenagers, and to manage band is every year more and more difficult, more and more expensive.
Generally we obtain more negative than positive review, and this is a thing which bothers me because I think that I.N. is a quite good band. Then, I collide continually with arrogance and ignorance of many zine-writers, pubs' owners and so on, so in Italy we have very few support (about CD "Deforme" I made promotion almost only outside Italy).
Finally: Italian bureaucracy puts a lot of obstacles to people who want to organize a concert; every musician (even if he plays live one time in his own whole life) must join the E.N.P.A.L.S. (the Board which gives pensions to professional artists), on the contrary the concert's organizer risks a very high ticket... now, Italian pubs and generally concerts' organizers don't want problems and if you, young band, want to play live, you should form an official partnership with its own memorandum, its own articles, its own annual report... and if you play in 3 band you must form 3 partnerships!?! But I'm not a professional musician, I play live one time every 3 months and mainly for free; must I submit myself to this idiot system? Not at all! I'm fed up with this situation.
It's time to think at the REAL personal work and at real life's problems. For several reasons this "musical world" is no longer my one, some day I'll abandon the official music scene without remorse; when I'll have money I'd like to buy an outlying country house and I'll organize concerts there, one or two times a year, and I'd like to open a rehearsal-room for bands. We are (and we'll be) grateful to people who helped I.N. band; other people, who haven't helped us or who disappeared or who criticized us, can go to hell.
Other interests outside music: to me, it's to do marches (in winter) or to go for runs (in summer), or to play "soccer" (as you in U.S.A. translate the Italian word "calcio" or the English one "football"... the sport with two teams of 11 players who follow a round leather ball, do you know?).
MARCY: Ending comments: what would YOU like to share with the readers?? ANYTHING!!??
-- I hope that every person can reason with his own brain, about musical questions and about every real situation in his life. To my opinion, great TV Networks and newspapers managed by "the powerful" make brain-washing there in the States, and here in Italy there is the same situation; unfortunately Italy is the faithful little dog of U.S.A.'s warmonger government, our president Mr. B. now controls the 3 channels of Italian National Televisions and he has other 3 channels of his private TV Network Mediaset; this is democracy, and if you have a different idea you are a (dirty) communist. Any comment?
MARCY: I would like to thank you for your time as well as letting me have a chance to hear your music and keeping in touch with me. You're great! THANK YOU... both of you!!!!
INTERVIEW TO METAL WARPAGE FANZINE, n. 2 (Summer 2004) - Malaysia
1) Hi Claudio Faggion, how did INTER NOS came into being and who's in the band currently?
- Hallo, here is Claudio Faggion, singer/bassplayer of INTER NOS band. The other member of the band, my brother Paolo Faggion (electronic percussions/voice), is not at home in these days so I'll answer to all the questions. The band was born in 1996; I am my brother played, from 1987 to 1996, into an hard-prog rock band named Poliphonix, which stopped the activity into 1996. We continue with new songs... and it was the birth of Inter Nos band. The only members, as I wrote before, are Claudio and Paolo Faggion. During our live concerts we play without help of other musicians and without basis, for the recordings' sessions of our songs we made few overdubs.
2) What sort of music would you label Experimental Progressive Rock? What does its mean? How do you experience playing Experimental Progressive Rock?
- The label "experimental progressive rock" was invented by an Italian fanzine when we sent him our first demo tape "Transizione" in 1997. The roots of our music are into prog rock, but surely there is an hard vein and there is a strong musical research in what we compose; to be honest, in my opinion is not important what the music's name is, but the main thing is the musical content of a band's proposal. There is good and bad music, even if this distinction is subjective too, but everyone can judge if a song's structure is poor or complex, or if a musician is clever or not at his performance. It could be strange, but we haven't many supporters into the prog rock scene.
3) As most people know, INTER NOS has produced a new CD entitled "Deforme". So, is there anything that you would like to comment about that?
- Yes, the CD "Deforme" has 6 songs and the total time is about 23 minutes. We don't want to record long works because listeners get bored, as I get bored during the listening of very long CD or single songs. This recent I.N.'s CD is softer than the previous one ("Futuro Calpestato") but the instrumental parts are more difficult; I'm quite satisfied because I think (but it's only a personal opinion) that here and there in the songs there are good ideas, and at that time we couldn't make a better work. Of course, the final result could be appreciated or not, but it depends on every single listener's point of view.
4) Lyrics in Italian, right. Do you feel it's a language barrier that you guys have to overcome or perhaps you guys isn't readily with English act?
- I think that the language of sung parts is a false problem, because I'm sure that very few people know English as well as his mother tongue: then, it's better a correct Italian than a ridiculous English. Not to mention the pronunciation's problems, the figures of speech and the slang expressions: an English mother tongue will understand that now I use the so-called "foreigners' English", you can imagine if I'm able to write decent lyrics in English!
Personally I'm curious when I listen to unknown sonorities in languages like Hungarian or East-European ones, or Japanese, and so on. Finally, an English translation of our songs is easily available into the old I.N.'s website (http://web.tiscali.it/inv/internos).
5) So, regarding to your sound and the song arrangement, are you... I mean: how far are you satisfied with all those things?
- When a musician listens to his own work, immediately he discovers defects; this fact happens because one person has, as its goal, a continue improvement and what he did in the past is not as good as he wanted. The consequence is this one: an artist is an everlasting unhappy person which fights against his limits; and, paradoxically, the more a musician thinks that his work is good, the more he receives negative criticism. This is exactly what happens to I.N. band. Surely we have limits, but recently we obtained almost all negative criticism and I wonder what we have mistaken.
Add up together the personal disappointment and the unfounded criticism, so you'll obtain the answer to your question.
6) Well, for the up-coming releases, do you guys have any innovation on sound or maybe an additional concept and yet the material will more evil, don't you?
- At the moment I can't say you if we'll record other songs in future. The level of enthusiasm is very low for several reasons, and we must trouble about real-life's problems; music is an hobby, and the time for the music decreases day by day. If it should be an economic profit by music, obviously the situation would be different, but with I.N.'s music there isn't any profit. However, if we'll publish another work, there will be something different from the previous ones.
7) How do you come up with a song? Do you write about personal experience, fantasies or anything you read about in the paper?
- About music, rarely I and my brother compose together; everyone writes the entire song, lyrics and music. To me: when I practise alone the bass guitar, if I think that an instrumental sequence sounds good I try to remember it for the next rehearsal, and in the meanwhile I think to another sequence. Then, putting together 3 or 4 short sequences, I obtain a musical sequences of 3 or 4 minutes. Finally, if I had a lyric, I sing that lyric over the music till it sounds quite good; if I haven't a lyric, I wait for the inspiration. We write very few lyrics. The main subject is a personal experience, but even a real situation (as it happened for "Occhi e voci" and "Piccolo G.") can be described in a lyric. Someone said that is impossible to discover our political ideas by our lyrics, and I am satisfied about this fact: there are too many borders and divisions among the persons, we don't want to create new ones.
8) What do you want everyone to know about?
- Ehm... I don't understand exactly what you mean. If you ask me if I want to give other explanations to the readers, well, the talk will be very long and boring. I can say you that our lyrics are difficult to understand even in Italian, and I must admit that Italian language allows mysterious phrases which could have different meanings. We often use this linguistic artifice, and it gives fascination to the whole I.N.'s production.
9) How often do you practice as a band and individually?
- Individually, one time a week. With the band, one time every two or three weeks.
10) How far are you satisfied with your performances ever before? How about the response from audience/crowd?
- Our songs aren't simply to play, so the performances aren't always all precise. If people give us support during the concert, we don't care if the performance is technically imperfect. Generally the audience is made by musicians, and they appreciate technically our performance even if I'm not sure that they like our music.
11) Such a lot of experienced, so how many material have you all worked out?
- At the moment, we've given about 200 copies of demo "Transizione", 300 copies of CD/MC "Futuro Calpestato" and 200 copies of CD "Deforme". Less than 30% of the whole number was sold: the rest was presented to friends, or it was sent all around the world for promotion, or it was swapped with distros or bands.
12) Have you done or joining any project band?
- I and my brother play in "Giada", a rock band. It would be the melodic side of our activity, even if I haven't composed songs for that band. The goal is to play live as much as possible in order to make some money which will be used in I.N. project too, but it's very difficult here even if a band plays melodic music, and till now "Giada" give me more expenses than profit. If the situation won't change quickly, I think that I'll abandon that band. Then, I participated in a band which played soundtracks during theatrical performances; I was a theatrical actor, too.
13) So what's been the best performance INTER NOS has had?
- The best concert we've made... I think it was last April with Saboth, a Czech band: technically imperfect, but very fast and raw; people was satisfied!
14) What compilation have you been on?
- We have our song into 14 compilations; I don't list them, it's too long. We have some songs in Internet too, especially into a big musical website named www.cantine.org, with Italian bands only (unfortunately it's Italian written).
15) Making music doesn't really translate into cash in underground scene. What do you do to make ends meet?
- Good question! Have you any ideas? I and my brother both have our work, and music is hobby. I have projects about musical activities (first of all: to open a place where bands can practise), but I haven't enough money to carry out my plans.
16) Do you feel that INTER NOS is a commercialism in music which is reflects to business attitude?
- The music and the attitude of I.N. band are 1.000 miles far from commercialism. What can I say you? If we want to make money with music, we must change sonorities and we must become and easy listening band, but I.N. band doesn't deserve such a very poor destiny!
17) You've notified that you're not satisfied of extreme music's scene because it seems that there is only revival of what it was already done. So, my question is do you feel that extreme music's scene now day was nothing in originally compare to classic old albums. Don't you?
- I wrote those words into a past interview, and I confirm my opinion. I don't follow assiduously the extreme metal scene, but into the official metal magazines I have been reading the same bands' names for more than 10 years; into the fanzines I read hundreds of different names, some bands are interesting but nobody of them becomes an important unquestionable point of reference, as Death, Pestilence, Obituary, Carcass and so on were in the past. And, absolutely, nobody will persuade me that the so-called actual black-metal is comparable with the 80's movement which had the same name. I'm 33 years old: am I an obtuse nostalgic fellow? Maybe. If the actual extreme scene is symbolized by NU-metal or, on the contrary, by old mummies (Iron Maiden over all), sorry but I'm not interested on it. I hope that you can give me good advices.
18) So Claudio, before we end this interview do you have any advice to those newer bands that trying to get into the scene?
- Even if I'm quite old in comparison with the great part of fanzine's readers, I'm not a "sage chieftain" yet: however, I'm proud of this question. The first advice is a serious and sincere estimation of your own musical proposal; the second one, if you are convinced that your stuff is good, send your letter of introduction to all the fanzine's addresses you know, but don't send immediately your work: wait for the answer of your addressee. The last one: don't be afraid of calling someone with his right name; if you think that someone is an incompetent person, say him that he's an incompetent person. You'll have a lot of enemies, but "many foes, much honour". If Inter Nos band has almost more good response in Malaysia than in Italy, maybe there are good reasons!
That's all. Our address is: F.li Faggion, Via Colvera n. 2, 33170 Pordenone, Italy. Our new website is: http://internosrock.supereva.it. Thank to Seth for the interview. Greetings from Italy.
INTERVIEW TO WEBZINE "NUCLEUS" - Argentina (28th of November 2004)
1) As the history it does begin of Inter Nos? Which is the musical past of each one of you?
- The story began into 1996; I (Claudio Faggion - electric bass and voice) and my brother (Paolo Faggion - electronic percussion and chorus) both played into an hard progressive band named Poliphonix; that band published 3 official demos; then, at the beginning of 1996 all the musicians decided that the career of the band was arrived at the end, we played the last concert on May 1996. Then, I and my brother started to play new songs and some cover of various singers and bands (Le Orme, Timoria, Ritmo Tribale, Eugenio Finardi). We recorded 5 songs, which were included into the demo "Transizione" published on January 1997; at that time we thought that Inter Nos will be only a "studio project", so into that recordings there were many overdubs, sounds of guitar and keyboards. Then, we received a proposal for a concert; honestly we had doubts about a Inter Nos' live performance, but we arranged the songs and we played them live, on February 1997. The concert was decent... and then the story of Inter Nos continued.
About the musical past, the experiences which deserve to be mentioned are these ones: I played into a rock band named Little Wings from 1988 to 1991, I and my brother both played into Poliphonix band from 1991 to 1996. The same musicians of Poliphonix band played together since 1987, we had own songs but the serious activity started in 1991 after the split of the bands in which every musician played before; the career of my brother (as drummer) started with Poliphonix: at the first concert of that band, 1st of June 1991, my brother was 17 years old. Two years ago (2002) Poliphonix played alive another time because some people asked us for a short reunion; now everyone has an own band, so an official reunion of Poliphonix band isn't planned.
2) Who did have the idea of beginning a band of progressive rock?
- To tell you the truth, we haven't planned before the kind of music of Inter Nos band. The only instruments are electric bass and electronic percussions; technically speaking, the main problem is to fill up the sonic "holes"; the bass have two simultaneous sounds: a clean line with a soft effect named "chorus", and an hard-effected line; the effect is "Zoom 2020" for guitar, which has a good variety of sounds; I mainly use distortion. So, even if the structure of songs reminds prog-rock, the final effect is quite noisy. This peculiarity is not appreciated by all prog fans, and we receive more approvals from listeners of heavy metal or hardcore.
3) Why did you choose that name for the band?
- The name was suggested by our cousin Stefano Tracanelli, musician into Poliphonix band. The words INTER NOS come from ancient Latin, they mean "between us" or something similar; it is the right name for a family's band in which there are only two musicians. There is another advantage: the pronounce is almost the same in various languages.
4) Please, count us something about "Deforme".
- The CD "Deforme", with 6 songs, was published in 2002; this is the third official work, after the demo "Transizione" (1997) and the CD/MC "Futuro Calpestato". Musically, it is a crossing between the experimental prog of "Transizione" and the noisy music of "Futuro Calpestato". All songs were recorded by an eight-track recorder into our rehearsal room. There are very few overdubs, but there is an hard research of strange sounds (this peculiar work, and all the activities concerning recording, mixing and so on, were made all by my brother). Someone said us that the recording is bad, but probably these persons prefer to listen to the voice over all (as a pop song) or only to a single instrument. We have a different idea: first of all, sincerely the voice is not the "point of force" of the band, it's in our interest to keep the voice "hidden" into the final recording; then, there are effects put to the voice's parts, and this is a clear choice.
We record every copy of CD at our home, we haven't a stock of copies. At the moments, we are content of this situation. If someone will ask us for a lot of copies, we'll make professional ones in a duplication's studio.
5) Could you give us a brief impression of the songs of this album? How were you inspired to write them?
- About the songs' structure, I think that some parts are difficult to play and, at the same time, not only boring technical exercises, so we are quite satisfied of the result. I say you that I discover imperfections every time I listen to the songs, but we can't record 100 times the same song; it comes a moment in which you must decide the "best" version, and the ones included on the CD are the best versions of every song. If it's a good or a bad work, only listeners can say. Inspiration: it's difficult to say because during these last 5 years I listened almost only to the stuff of amateur bands, or to music of bands which made swaps with us (every kind of music). Personally I listen to heavy metal from "classic" to "death", and bands like Voivod, Pestilence, Mekong Delta, Watchtower. My brother is more linked to the hard rock bands of Seventies, especially Deep Purple. We both listen to Italian prog rock, especially old bands like Le Orme, PFM, Banco, and the more hard "section" with Il Rovescio della Medaglia, Il Balletto di Bronzo, and other ones. About the current prog Italian and International scene, honestly I am not very interested; in Italy, surely deserve a mention Deux Ex Machina (very technical parts), Garden Wall (more metal-oriented), Barrock (classic prog with great keyboard's parts), bands which I listen to frequently.
6) In your opinion, which are the achieved songs?
- Uhm... I don't understand exactly what you mean, but I try to answer you.
If you asked us if we have a favourite song, my answer is that I haven't it. There are songs which I play more pleasantly in comparison with others, but the list changes frequently; at the same time, there are songs which I play rarely because are difficult ("Una vecchia chitarra" and "Frasi" from CD "Futuro Calpestato", "Occhi e voci" from CD "Deforme", and other ones).
7) With regard to the lyrics of your songs, do they contain some concept or idea in general?
- Our lyrics are not "direct", and they are not easy to be described.
Someone said that it's impossible to discover our political ideas reading our lyrics, and I'm proud of this fact. As I wrote into other interviews, there is no doubt that generally a single musical genre is associated with a political idea. It's not a mystery that punk is anarchism-oriented, heavy metal (especially the extreme sides) is right-wing oriented, classic rock of Seventies is left-wing oriented, and prog rock was considered during the Seventies as a "middle-class" music (it means: a bit right-wing oriented). I don' t want to create other barriers, so I avoid to tell clear messages: I describe real situations (as "Piccolo G.", a child who was born without brain), I put on music my feelings and my personal thoughts (as "Magia", the mental peace after a strong personal severe test). Generally, our lyrics are considered pessimistic, even if into these songs there is a bit of hope, as a light at the end of the tunnel (especially in "Miraggio"). Another aspect: Italian language allows phrases which could have different meanings, and Inter Nos band takes advantage of this possibility.
8) How do you come to Inter Nos in these moments? Do you perceive a growth at musical level?
- Last year, and this year too, we had problems which didn't permit us to make many rehearsals, so we haven't new songs. We thought to stop the activity. It would be a great result if we will maintain the current level. I don't learn new things and at the same time I forget the old ones; a song is composed in relation to the things which you can do with your instrument, so I can't imagine technical improvements.
We are amateur musicians, there are real-life's things which are more important than music, so we haven't time to make rehearsals. The consequence is that we are making our songs more simple, in order to play them alive without many risks of error.
9) Do you have thought to publish a new album this year? Is there tentative date of edition?
- At the moment we haven't planned a new album because we haven't unreleased song. All the Inter Nos' repertory is published into CD or tape, we haven't other songs. I and my brother have some musical ideas recorded into tapes; maybe these ideas will become Inter Nos' songs.
10) How would you say that your musical development will continue in the future?
- The musical development will depend on various factors. A thing is sure: I'll try to write short songs, not more than 4 minutes of length. Then, our future songs maybe will be more melodic in comparison with the past Inter Nos' production, and that song will be more easy to be played (as I wrote, lack of time for rehearsals), but we won't become a pop band.
11) Well friends, some message for our readers?
- Thank to Sergio for the interview and to the readers for their attention. If you want more information about the band, you can visit our website: http://internosrock.supereva.it . If someone, in Argentina or elsewhere, wants to help us in promotion, he could contact us. Address: F.lli Faggion, Via Colvera n. 2, 33170 Pordenone, Italy. That's all. Greetings from Claudio and Paolo Faggion.